[R] is it possible to install R packages without admin rights on a work station

Daniel Hornung daniel.hornung at ds.mpg.de
Mon Sep 16 10:55:23 CEST 2013

On Monday, September 16, 2013 09:01:03 Charles Thuo wrote:
>  How can a person in a controlled environment install additional R
> packages..
> Charles.

Hello Charles,

a slight variation of what Rolf wrote, this is my setup:

in my ~/.Rprofile (which is read at R's startup), I set the R_LIBS_USER 
variable like so:


Of course you may vary the exact path according to your liking.  Another 
helpful option I found is the follwoing, if you decide you like a specific 
repository best (to avoid the selection dialog): in your ~/.Rprofile, add this 


(Use the repo which is fastest for you).


Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Laboratory for Fluid Dynamics, Pattern Formation and Biocomplexity
Biomedical Physics Group

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