[R] gsub question

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 12 23:47:26 CEST 2013

 string1<- "Red, Romeo, Calf"
 string2<- "Red, Rome, Ralf"
 string3<- "China, Japan, USA"
#[1] "China, Japan, USA"
#[1] "MM, MM, MM"
#[1] "MM, MM, Calf"

Other way would be:

 paste(gsub("^R.*\\w+","MM",strsplit(string1, ", ")[[1]]),collapse=", ")
#[1] "MM, MM, Calf"

Hi all, 

I want to replace all words that begin with a given character 
with a different word. Tried gsub and str_replace_all but with little 
success. In this example I want to replace all words starting with R 
with MM. gsub replaces properly only once: 

> gsub("^R*\\w+", "MM", "Red, Rome, Ralf") 
[1] "MM, Rome, Ralf" 

Thanks in advance

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