[R] Running Loops

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 11 17:32:47 CEST 2013

yall<- as.data.frame(matrix(sample(1:1e5,5000*10,replace=FALSE),ncol=10))
 names(lst1)<- paste0("yall",1:100)

lapply(seq_along(lst1),function(i) write.csv(lst1[[i]],file=paste0("yall",i,".csv"),row.names=FALSE))


I have a data set called yall with 5000 rows, I want to randomly sub sample 100 rows 100 times. 
This is what I have so far: 

yall<-read.csv("Z:\\SOFTEL\\North Key Largo project\\Canopy_Height\\random_age_strat\\Young\\Abv2ft_young.csv") 

yall1 <- yall[sample(1:nrow(yall), 100, replace=FALSE),] 

write.csv(yall1, file = "yall1.csv")

I want to run a 
loop of the bold script above 100 times, but I want to be able to change
 the name of the sub sample and name of the csv file each time. They 
should be named yall1, yall2,yall3...etc until 100.

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