[R] Singular matrix

Aya Anas aanas at feps.edu.eg
Fri Oct 11 13:54:08 CEST 2013

Dear all,
I am using the DEoptim package. My optimization syntax has three decesion
variables. If I increase the upper bound of the first or third variables,I
get an error related to singularity of a matrix. However, I need to
increase the upper bound of the first and third variables. The true bounds
for the the three variables are (0,+inf), (0,1) and (0,+inf). However, The
syntax gives errors even when I set the upper bounds  for the first and
third variables =10 only . The syntax runs without errors, when I set the
upper bound <="5" for the third variable for example. The first variable
even needs a smaller upper bound to run succesfully. I don't know how could
I handle this problem?could anybody help me to increase the bound of the
first and third variables to a reasonable large number, without having this

"*The syntax is attached*".

Best Regards
Faculty of Economics & Political Science
Cairo University
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