[R] How do I derive a logical variable in a dataframe based on another row in the same dataframe?

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Tue Nov 12 00:01:44 CET 2013

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Lopez, Dan <lopez235 at llnl.gov> wrote:
> Hi R Experts,
> How do I mark rows in dataframe based on a condition that's based off another row in the same dataframe?
> I want to mark any combination of FY,ID, TT=='HC' rows that have a FY,ID,TT=='TER' row with a 1.  In my example below this is rows 4, 7 and 11.
> My data looks something like this:
>     FY ID  TT
> 1  FY09  1  HC
> 2  FY10  1  HC
> 3  FY11  1  HC
> 4  FY12  1  HC
> 5  FY12  1 TER
> 6  FY09  2  HC
> 7  FY10  2  HC
> 8  FY10  2 TER
> 9  FY11  2  HC
> 10 FY12  2  HC
> 11 FY13  2  HC
> 12 FY13  2 TER
> I know for this specific example I can use:
> HTDF$EXCL3<-1*duplicated(HTDF[,1:2],fromLast=T)
> However my actual data set is NOT sorted by FY, ID and TT. TT is a binary factor variable. I want to know if there is another way of doing the same thing without sorting the data.
> I tried the last line of code below but it gave me unexpected results. It marks the first three rows with 0 and everything else with 1.  Based on the warning messages looks like it has something to do with longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length. But I am now stumped.
> FY<-factor(c("FY09","FY10","FY11","FY12","FY12","FY09","FY10","FY10","FY11","FY12","FY13","FY13"))
> ID<-c(rep(1,5),rep(2,7))
> TT<-factor(c(rep("HC",4),"TER","HC","HC","TER","HC","HC","HC","TER"))
> HTDF<-data.frame(FY,ID,TT)
> #Summarize data and get max TT. TT is a binary factor variable
> library(sqldf)
> # Initiate new variable and assign 0 or 1

For each FY, ID group ave applies f to TT == 'TER' returning
a logical vector that is TRUE for each HC if TER is in the group
ad otherwise FALSE.   Finally we add 0 to convert from
TRUE/FALSE to 1/0.

The rows of HTDF need not be in any specific order and their
oreder will be preserved.

> f <- function(x) any(x) & !x
> transform(HTDF, EXCL = ave(TT == 'TER', FY, ID, FUN = f) + 0)
1  FY09  1  HC    0
2  FY10  1  HC    0
3  FY11  1  HC    0
4  FY12  1  HC    1
5  FY12  1 TER    0
6  FY09  2  HC    0
7  FY10  2  HC    1
8  FY10  2 TER    0
9  FY11  2  HC    0
10 FY12  2  HC    0
11 FY13  2  HC    1
12 FY13  2 TER    0

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