[R] R's basic lm() and summary.lm functions
ivo welch
ivo.welch at anderson.ucla.edu
Sat May 11 01:44:14 CEST 2013
I ended up wrapping my own new "ols()" function in the end. it is my
replacement for lm() and summary.lm. this way, I don't need to alter
internals. in case someone else needs it, it is included. of course,
feel free to ignore.
docs[["ols"]] <- c(Rd= '
@TITLE ols.R
@AUTHOR ivo.welch at gmail.com
@DATE 2013
adds newey-west and stdandardized coefficients to the lm function,
and adds the summary.lm information at the same time.
@USAGE ols(..., newey.west=0, stdcoefs=TRUE)
', test= '
x <- rnorm(12); y <- rnorm(12); z <- rnorm(12); x[2] <-NA;
ols( y ~ x + z )
', changes= '
ols <- function (..., x = FALSE, newey.west=(0), stdcoefs=TRUE) {
## R is painfully error-tolerant. I prefer reasonable and immediate
error warnings.
stopifnot( (is.vector(newey.west))&(length(newey.west)==1)|(is.numeric(newey.west))
stopifnot( (is.vector(stdcoefs))&(length(stdcoefs)==1)|(is.logical(stdcoefs))
stopifnot( (is.vector(x))&(length(x)==1)|(is.logical(x)) )
## I wish I could check lm()'s argument, but I cannot.
lmo <- lm(..., x=TRUE)
## note that both the x matrix and the residuals from the model have
their NA's omitted by default
if (newey.west>=0) {
resids <- residuals(lmo)
diagband.matrix <- function(m, ar.terms) {
nomit <- m - ar.terms - 1
mm <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = m, ncol = m)
mm[1:nomit, (ncol(mm) - nomit + 1):ncol(mm)] <-
(lower.tri(matrix(TRUE, nrow = nomit, ncol = nomit)))
mm[(ncol(mm) - nomit + 1):ncol(mm), 1:nomit] <-
(upper.tri(matrix(TRUE, nrow = nomit, ncol = nomit)))
invx <- chol2inv(chol(crossprod(lmo$x)))
invx.x <- invx %*% t(lmo$x)
if (newey.west==0)
resid.matrix <- diag(resids^2)
else {
full <- resids %*% t(resids)
maskmatrix <- diagband.matrix(length(resids), newey.west)
resid.matrix <- full * maskmatrix
vmat <- invx.x %*% resid.matrix %*% t(invx.x)
nw <- newey.west ## the number of AR terms
nw.se <- sqrt(diag(vmat)) ## the standard errors
if (stdcoefs) stdcoefs.v <- lmo$coefficients*apply(lmo$x,2,sd)/sd(lmo$model$y)
full.x.matrix <- if (x) lmo$x else NULL
lmo <- summary(lmo) ## the summary.lm object
if (x) lmo$x <- full.x.matrix
if (stdcoefs) {
lmo$coefficients <- cbind(lmo$coefficients, stdcoefs.v )
colnames(lmo$coefficients)[ncol(lmo$coefficients)] <- "stdcoefs"
if (newey.west>=0) {
lmo$coefficients <- cbind(lmo$coefficients, nw.se)
colnames(lmo$coefficients)[ncol(lmo$coefficients)] <-
lmo$coefficients <- cbind(lmo$coefficients, lmo$coefficients[,1]/nw.se)
colnames(lmo$coefficients)[ncol(lmo$coefficients)] <-
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