[R] Lattice xyplot multipanels
David Winsemius
dwinsemius at comcast.net
Thu May 2 04:44:30 CEST 2013
On May 1, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Santosh wrote:
> Derar Rxperts,
> I have a strange situation.. I see curly brackets
Wait right here. What do you mean by "brackets"? In some locales, such as mine, that might mean "[" ; in other domains... well, who knows? I don't see any "[".
The Urban Legends Newsgroup used to have a saying: TWIAVBP, which is an initialism for: The World Is A Very Big Place. Pleas realize that language is local.
> around "strip.levels" in
> multipanel strips while using lattice::xyplot. .How do I get rid of the
> curly brackets?
Curly "brackets"? You mean curley braces? I see some of them in the code, but why in the world would one want to remove valid curley-braces in code? They just function as delimiters.
> For some reason, I am not able to reproduce the problem
> using an example below...
What problem? .. are you unable to reproduce? The code runs without error on my machine.
> Any suggestions are highly welcome!
> Thanks,
> Santosh
> q <-
> data.frame(G=rep(paste("G",1:3,sep=""),each=50),D=rep(paste("D",1:5,sep=""),each=30),a=rep(1:15,each=10),t=rep(seq(10),15),b=round(runif(150,10,20)))
> q$grp <- paste(q$D,q$a,sep=":")
> q$grp <- ordered(q$grp, levels=unique(q$grp))
> q$dcol <- unlist(sapply(q$D,function(x)
> switch(x,"D1"="orange","D2"="blue","D3"="red", "D4"="seagreen",
> "D5"="black")))
> q2 <- q[order(q$G,q$D,q$a,q$t),]
> ref3 <- subset(q2, !duplicated(a))
> xyplot(b~t|G,data=q2,groups=grp,type="l",as.table=T,
> layout=c(3,1), par.strip.text = list(lines = 2),
> panel=panel.superpose,
> panel.groups=function(x=x,y=y,subscripts=subscripts,groups=groups,...,group.number)
> {
> require(grid)
> panel.xyplot(x=x,y=y,subscripts=subscripts,pch=NA,lwd=1,type="l",
> col=q2$dcol[subscripts],lty=1,cex=0.7)
> rv0 <-ref3[ref3$G%in%unique(q2$G)[panel.number()],]
> tids <- paste(as.character(unique(rv0$D)))
> tcols <- unique(rv0$dcol)
> tlty <- 1
> draw.key(list(columns=1,between=1,between.col=0.5,
> text=list(lab=tids,col=tcols,cex=0.8),title="Classes",cex.title=1.1
> ),
> draw = T,vp = viewport(x = unit(0.8, "npc"), y = unit(0.9, "npc")))
> },
> strip=strip.custom(strip.names=T,strip.levels=T,par.strip.text=list(cex=1.7,font=2),bg=0,
> var.name="School"),
> xlab=deparse(substitute(x)),
> ylab=deparse(substitute(y)),
> main="Overlay of Profiles by Schools and Classes",
> )
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And please explain what you want in language that transcends your own keyboard and mental constructs.
David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA
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