[R] new question

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 27 05:34:33 CET 2013

Try this: (Used the old data folder)

Compares the spec counts of sub directory with each other.  

directory<- "/home/arunksa111/dados"
GetFileList <- function(directory,number){
    direct<-dir(directory,pattern = paste("MSMS_",number,"PepInfo.txt",sep=""), full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
 direct<-lapply(direct,function(x) paste(directory,"/",x,sep=""))
 output<- list(filelist1,lista)

 read.list<-lapply(list.new, function(x) read.table(x,header=TRUE, sep = "\t"))
 return (read.list)

 file.list.names<-GetFileList(directory,23) [[1]]
 lista<-GetFileList(directory,23) [[2]]

lst1<-lapply(ListFacGroup,function(x) {x<-within(x,{spec<- as.character(spec)}); x1<- x[x$FDR<0.01,c("Seq","Mod","z","spec")]; x1$counts<-sapply(x1$spec,function(x2) length(unlist(strsplit(x2,","))));x1})
lst2<-lapply(as.data.frame(combn(names(lst1),2),stringsAsFactors=FALSE),function(x) { x1<-merge(lst1[[x[1]]],lst1[[x[2]]],by=c("Seq","Mod","z"));names(x1)[c(5,7)]<- paste0("counts_",c(x[1],x[2]));x1[2,5]<-8;x2<-data.frame(apply(cbind(x1[,5],x1[,7]),1,function(y) {chisq.test(y)$p.value})); colnames(x2)<- paste0("Counts_",x[1],x[2]);x2})

####In the above code:, I replaced a count datapoint to make it significant for the purpose of separating the significant from others ( x1[2,5]<- 8). 

 lst3<-lapply(lst2,function(x) {x1<-list(x[!x[,1]<0.05,],x[x[,1]<0.05,]);names(x1)<-rep(colnames(x),each=2);x1})
#[1] 1 1 1 1 1

#[1] 0.01963066


From: Vera Costa <veracosta.rt at gmail.com>
To: arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: new question (if you could help...)

But you could do the code of t test and chisq.test or not? Thank you
No dia 26 de Mar de 2013 20:16, "arun" <smartpink111 at yahoo.com> escreveu:

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