[R] New Stack
Jeff Newmiller
jdnewmil at dcn.davis.CA.us
Mon Mar 11 16:35:35 CET 2013
Don't. This is a classic mistake by newcomers to R that leads to abysmal performance. The best alternative is to compute one column at a time, so your data frame should be initialized with the inputs to your calculations, and you compute output columns as vector expressions of the inputs without looping. For example
dta <- data.frame( X=1:10 )
dta$Y <- 2*dta$X+3
dta$clip <- dta$Y > 13
dta$Yc1 <- ifelse( dta$clip, 13, dta$Y )
The ifelse function computes both possible answers for every element of the result and the chooses between them. If you would prefer to do those computations only for selected rows then you can use indexed assignment:
dta$Yc2 <- dta$Y
dta$Yc2[dta$clip] <- 13
If you absolutely must compute your results in little chunks of rows (e.g. one row at a time) then at least store them into a list as you go and collapse them into one data frame all at once using, say, the sapply function. This avoids allocating a whole sequence of data frames with sizes from 1:n, which is very inefficient use of memory.
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
Anup khanal <zanup at hotmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Experts, I am newbie in R. Could you please share your idea to
>create a stack with no value or zero value? Nrow=1,Ncol=1, Ncell=1, I
>aim to work with looping, I want to make a first layer with zero values
>to add other layers further. Thanks.
>Best Regards,
>..................Anup KhanalNorwegian Institute of science and
>Technology (NTNU)Trondheim, NorwayMob:(+47) 45174313
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