[R] optimize integer function parameters

Christof Kluß ckluss at email.uni-kiel.de
Tue Jul 23 16:03:59 CEST 2013


the integer values in the vectors sim and obs are dates

when I set sim <- f(TS0,TS1,TS2,TB0,TB1,TB2) my A,..,F below
then TS0 and TB0 are depend (and so on)

the main thing in f(...) is something like

  for (i in c(1:length(temperature))) {
       Temp <- temperature[i]
       if (DS < 0) {
         DS <- DS + max(Temp-TB0,0) / TS0
       } else if (DS < 1) {
         ... date0 <- i
         DS <- DS + max(Temp-TB1,0) / TS1
       } else if (DS < 2) {
         ... date1 <- i
         DS <- DS + max(Temp-TB2,0) / TS2
       } else {
         ... date2 <- i

this produced a vector sim = c(date0,date1,date2,...)

now I would like to minimize RMSE(sim,obs) or something like that


for brute force I would do something like

obs <- ...
act <- 1000

   for (TS0 in seq(50,100,10))
     for (TS1 in seq(750,850,10))
       for (TS2 in seq(400,600,10))
         for (TB0 in c(5:7))
           for (TB1 in c(5:7))
             for (TB2 in c(4:9)) {
               sim <- foosim(dat,TS0,TS1,TS2,TB0,TB1,TB2)
               rmse <- sqrt(mean((sim - obs)^2, na.rm = TRUE))

               if (rmse < act) {
                 act <- rmse

Am 23-07-2013 13:20, schrieb Enrico Schumann:
> On Tue, 23 Jul 2013, Christof Kluß <ckluss at email.uni-kiel.de> writes:
>> I have "observations" obs <- (11455, 11536, 11582, 11825, 11900,  ...)
>> and a simulation function f(A,B,C,D,E,F), so sim <- f(A,B,C,D,E,F)
>> e.g. sim = c(11464, 11554, 11603, 11831, 11907, ...)
>> now I would like to fit A,B,C,D,E,F such that "obs" and f(A,B,C,D,E,F)
>> match as well as possible. A,..,F should be integers and have bounds.
>> How would you solve this problem without bruteforce in an acceptable time?
> That depends on what your "simulation function" looks like.  Could you
> post a (small) self-contained example?

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