[R] Fastest way to compare a single value with all values in one column of a data frame

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 30 20:06:11 CET 2013

Any chance x$a to have the same number repeated?

If `Item` and `a` are unique,  I guess both the solutions should work.

x<- data.frame(item=sample(letters[1:20],20,replace=F),a=sample(1:45,20,replace=F),b=sample(20:50,20,replace=F),stringsAsFactors=F)
y<- data.frame(item="z",a=3,b=10,stringsAsFactors=F)

x[intersect(which(x$a < y$a),which.min(x$a)),]
 #  item a  b
#17    c 1 48
#   item a  b
#17    c 1 48

#   item a  b
#17    c 1 48


#   item  a  b
#15    q 45 30
#16    g 10 23
#17    z  3 10
#18    r 15 39
#19    l 18 45
#20    t 35 33

#However, if `item` column is unique, but `a` is not, then the one I mentioned previously arise.
x1<- data.frame(item=sample(letters[1:20],20,replace=F),a=sample(1:10,20,replace=T),b=sample(20:50,20,replace=F),stringsAsFactors=F)
y1<- data.frame(item="z",a=3,b=10,stringsAsFactors=F)

x1[intersect(which(x1$a < y1$a),which.min(x1$a)),]
 # item a  b
#3    s 1 41
 #  item a  b
#3     s 1 41
#11    h 1 46
#17    c 1 48
x1[x1$a==which.min(x1$a[x1$a<y1$a]),]<- y1

From: Dimitri Liakhovitski <dimitri.liakhovitski at gmail.com>
To: arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com> 
Cc: R help <r-help at r-project.org>; Jessica Streicher <j.streicher at micromata.de> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [R] Fastest way to compare a single value with all values in one column of a data frame

Sorry - I should have clarified:
My identifiers (in column "item") will always be unique. In other words, one entry in column "item" will never be repeated - neither in x nor in y.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Dimitri Liakhovitski <dimitri.liakhovitski at gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you, everyone! I'll try to test those different approaches. Really appreciate your help!
>On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 11:03 AM, arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Sorry, my previous solution doesn't work.
>>This should work for your dataset:
>>x<- data.frame(item=sample(letters[1:5],20,replace=TRUE),a=sample(1:15,20,replace=TRUE),b=sample(20:30,20,replace=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=F)
>>y<- data.frame(item="f",a=3,b=10,stringsAsFactors=F)
>> x[x$a%in%which.min(x[x$a<y$a,]$a),]<- y #if there are multiple minimum values
>>x1<- data.frame(item=sample(letters[1:10],1e4,replace=TRUE),a=sample(1:30,1e4,replace=TRUE),b=sample(1:100,1e4,replace=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=F)
>>y1<- data.frame(item="f",a=3,b=10,stringsAsFactors=F)
>>#[1] 330
>> system.time({x1[x1$a%in%which.min(x1[x1$a<y1$a,]$a),]<- y1})
>>#   user  system elapsed
>> # 0.000   0.000   0.001
>>#[1] 0
>>#For some reason, it is not working when the multiple number of minimum values > some value
>>x1<- data.frame(item=sample(letters[1:10],1e5,replace=TRUE),a=sample(1:30,1e5,replace=TRUE),b=sample(1:100,1e5,replace=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=F)
>>y1<- data.frame(item="f",a=3,b=10,stringsAsFactors=F)
>>#[1] 3404
>>x1[x1$a%in%which.min(x1[x1$a<y1$a,]$a),]<- y1
>> length(x1$a[x1$a==1])
>>#[1] 3404 #not getting replaced
>>#However, if I try:
>> x1<- data.frame(item=sample(letters[1:10],1e6,replace=TRUE),a=sample(1:5000,1e6,replace=TRUE),b=sample(1:100,1e6,replace=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=F)
>> y1<- data.frame(item="f",a=3,b=10,stringsAsFactors=F)
>> length(x1$a[x1$a==1])
>>#[1] 208
>> system.time(x1[x1$a%in%which.min(x1[x1$a<y1$a,]$a),]<- y1)
>>#user  system elapsed
>> # 0.124   0.016   0.138
>>  length(x1$a[x1$a==1])
>>#[1] 0
>>#Tried Jessica's solution:
>> x<- data.frame(item=sample(letters[1:5],20,replace=TRUE),a=sample(1:15,20,replace=TRUE),b=sample(20:30,20,replace=TRUE),stringsAsFactors=F)
>> y<- data.frame(item="f",a=3,b=10,stringsAsFactors=F)
>> x[intersect(which(x$a < y$a),which.min(x$a)),] <- y
>> x
>>#   item  a  b
>>#1     a  8 25
>>#2     a 10 26
>>#3     f  3 10 #replaced
>>#4     e 15 26
>>#5     b 13 20
>>#6     a  5 23
>>#7     d  4 29
>>#8     e  2 24
>>#9     c  7 30
>>#10    e 14 24
>>#11    d  2 20
>>#12    e 10 21
>>#13    c 13 27
>>#14    d 12 23
>>#15    b 11 26
>>#16    e  5 22
>>#17    c  1 26  #it is not replaced
>>#18    a  8 21
>>#19    e 10 26
>>#20    c  2 22
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: Dimitri Liakhovitski <dimitri.liakhovitski at gmail.com>
>>To: r-help <r-help at r-project.org>
>>Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:11 PM
>>Subject: [R] Fastest way to compare a single value with all values in one column of a data frame
>>I have a large data frame x:
>>x<-data.frame(item=letters[1:5],a=1:5,b=11:15)  # in actuality, x has 1000
>>I also have a small data frame y with just 1 row:
>>I have to decide if y$a is larger than the smallest of all the values in
>>x$a. If it is, I want y to replace the whole row in x that has the lowest
>>value in column a.
>>This is how I'd do it.
>>  whichmin<-which(x$a==min(x$a))
>>  x[whichmin,]<-y[1,]
>>I am wondering if there is a faster way of doing it. What would be the
>>fastest possible way? I'd have to do it, unfortunately, many-many times.
>>Thank you very much!
>>Dimitri Liakhovitski
>>gfk.com <http://marketfusionanalytics.com/>
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>Dimitri Liakhovitski


Dimitri Liakhovitski

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