[R] R encrypt/decrypt

Suzen, Mehmet msuzen at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 22:46:16 CET 2013

Hello Ramiro,

I am still not sure why do you need to encrypt/decrypt data in R.
One can encrypt/decrypt data in the SQL server side.


If your concern is on the web traffic, again, sql servers supports SSL


I think RMySQL can connect via SSL. Also you may consider RCurl to talk to
your php code.


On 9 January 2013 21:54, Ramiro Barrantes <ramiro at precisionbioassay.com> wrote:
> Dear Suzen,
> Thank you for your reply.  What I meant was that some fields in the database will be encrypted (the data for those fields will be entered via php web interface and then encrypted and stored on the mysql db), and then I will use R to read such database and do appropriate post-processing, which will then need to be encrypted and stored into the mysql db (with R hopefully).  In other words, I have a shared mysql database with some encrypted fields, and I need R and php to both understand the encryption/decryption.
> I thought this would be an appropriate question for the group as perhaps someone might know of an R encrypt/decrypt mechanism that also has a counterpart on php or has suggestions about the situation.  Sorry for the confusion in my question.
> Thank you,
> Ramiro
> ________________________________________
> From: mehmet.suzen at gmail.com [mehmet.suzen at gmail.com] on behalf of Suzen, Mehmet [msuzen at gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 3:38 PM
> To: Ramiro Barrantes
> Cc: r-help at r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R] R encrypt/decrypt
> On 9 January 2013 18:59, Ramiro Barrantes <ramiro at precisionbioassay.com> wrote:
>> I am working on a web system (php) that uses R in the backend, and we need some basic fast encryption/decryption for the underlying mysql database that can be used by both R AND php.  It does not need to be top-of-the-line, but just provide some basic level of fast encryption/decryption.
>>> Any suggestions?
> Sounds too generic. This is not really an R-help question.
> Not sure what do you mean by underlying mysql. Are you going to
> encrypt data into db? If it
> is about transport between sql and web servers: these servers can be
> configured to use SSL!
> What is your aim?
> BTW: Maybe you should remove php and use R directly via Rook;
> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Rook/index.html

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