[R] install.packages and dependencies=TRUE
Duncan Murdoch
murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 19:08:04 CET 2013
So apparently not as simple as I thought it would be. So I'll tell you
what I actually do:
I have a number of packages under development, some on CRAN, some not.
I also work in multiple builds of R pretty frequently, so I like to
install all my packages and commonly used ones from other people. So I
put together a little script that I can run that will install or update
a list of about 20 packages. Here it is, with the names deleted.
# Script to install current versions of commonly used packages
installed <- rownames(installed.packages())
old <- old.packages()
oldoptions <- options(repos =
pkgs <- ------ a character vector of packages on CRAN ------
oldPkgs <- old[intersect(pkgs, rownames(old)),,drop=FALSE]
if (length(oldPkgs))
update.packages(oldPkgs = oldPkgs)
pkgs <- setdiff(pkgs, installed)
if (length(pkgs))
install.packages(pkgs, dep=c("Depends", "Imports"))
options(repos = c(options("repos"),
pkgs <- ------ packages to install from R-forge ------
oldPkgs <- old[intersect(pkgs, rownames(old)),,drop=FALSE]
if (length(oldPkgs))
update.packages(oldPkgs = oldPkgs)
pkgs <- setdiff("patchDVI", installed)
if (length(pkgs))
MyR <- ------ the source directory where I keep my own packages ------
pkgs <- ------ packages to install from local source ------
pkgs <- setdiff(pkgs, installed)
if (length(pkgs))
install.packages(file.path(MyR, pkgs), type="source", repos=NULL)
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