[R] function on columns of two arrays
Folkes, Michael
Michael.Folkes at dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Tue Aug 20 19:57:26 CEST 2013
Here's a tiny summary of the speed results using different methods to
run lm on common columns from two arrays.
Sadly looping is fastest. I don't know if any are sensitive to array
dimensions (more columns, fewer layers etc).
I invite correction, or suggestions for improvement to avoid looping.
Going on vacation, so I won't reply until next Wednesday.
##### begin R script
#shows three ways to do lm on common columns from two arrays.
#sadly looping is fastest by a long shot
a <- array(1:60,dim=c(20,20,2000))
b <- a*3+10
#method 1
# arun [smartpink111 at yahoo.com]
method1 <- function(){
a1<- data.frame(a)
b1<- data.frame(b)
lapply(seq_len(ncol(a1)),function(i) lm(b1[,i]~a1[,i]))
lapply(seq_len(ncol(a1)),function(i) summary(lm(b1[,i]~a1[,i]))$coef)
#method 2
#Jason Law Statistician City of Portland
method2 <- function(){
c <- abind(a,b, along = 4)
results <- alply(c, c(2,3), function(x) lm(x[,2] ~ x[,1]))
ldply(results, function(x) summary(x)$coef)
method3 <- function(){
results <- matrix(NA,ncol=4,nrow=2*dim(a)[2]*dim(a)[3])
counter <- 1
for(layer in 1:dim(a)[3]){
for(col.val in 1:dim(a)[2]){
results[counter:(counter+1),] <-
counter <- counter+2
}#END method3
# system.time( method1() )
# system.time( method2() )
# system.time( method3() )
# > system.time( method1() )
# user system elapsed
# 210.52 0.09 212.03
# > system.time( method2() )
# user system elapsed
# 123.52 0.13 124.07
# > system.time( method3() )
# user system elapsed
# 79.07 0.01 79.23
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