[R] How can I make my functions run faster
Jeff Newmiller
jdnewmil at dcn.davis.CA.us
Mon Aug 19 18:06:17 CEST 2013
1. Keeping the number of variables down encourages you to structure your data, which allows you to re-use code more efficiently. However, I don't believe that the number of variables intrinsically slows down your code significantly.. e.g. storing a computed value in a local variable is almost always better than repeating the calculation.
2. Apply functions are not primarily intended for performance optimization; they are effective for compactly expressing the idea of your algorithms. Using vectorization and indexing is much more effective for enhancing performance (and in my mind is even better at expressing algorithms than using apply functions).
3. Agree that too many functions can slow things down, but that is normally less the fault of the functions than of the way some programmers handle data. It is more productive to focus on the positive idea of using vectors to compute as much as possible rather than the negative idea of eliminating functions.
4. I don't think I agree that this statement about memory usage generally applies to all uses of R. However, it can be crucial to learn to avoid mixing input/output with data processing if you are interested in performance.
To the OP: I will pass on trying to analyse your large code base... it is requested in the Posting Guide that you isolate your issues and ask specific questions.
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Heramb Gadgil <heramb.gadgil at gmail.com> wrote:
>I am a newbie too. I will share what I do normally for speeding up the
>1. Restrict defining too many variables (Global/ Local)
>2. Use apply functions (apply,sapply,lapply,tapply, etc.) whenever
>3. Having multiple user defined functions doesn't help. Try to compact
>everything in minimum number of functions
>4. The in-memory of R is just 10% of your total RAM (Correct me if
>Make sure most of it is used for processing and not storing
>Hope this will help. Kindly suggest if I have misunderstood anything.
>Thanks and Regards,
>Heramb Gadgil
>2013/8/19 Laz <lmramba at ufl.edu>
>> Yes Bert, I am a beginner in writing R functions. I just don't know
>> to avoid or what to use in order to make the R functions faster.
>> When I run the individual functions, they run quite well.
>> However, calling all of them using the final function it becomes too
>> So I don't know how to make it faster.
>> I used system.time()
>> Regards,
>> Laz
>> On 8/19/2013 10:13 AM, Bert Gunter wrote:
>>> ... and read the "R Language Definition" manual. I noticed
>>> constructs
>>> (e.g., z <- f(something); return(z)) that suggest you have more
>>> to learn to write efficient, well-structured R code.
>>> -- Bert
>>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 3:55 AM, Michael Dewey
><info at aghmed.fsnet.co.uk>
>>> wrote:
>>>> At 10:28 19/08/2013, Laz wrote:
>>>>> Dear R users,
>>>>> I have written a couple of R functions, some are through the help
>>>>> the R
>>>>> group members. However, running them takes days instead of minutes
>or a
>>>>> few
>>>>> hours. I am wondering whether there is a quick way of doing that.
>>>> Your example code is rather long for humans to profile. Have you
>>>> of
>>>> getting R to tell where it is spending most time? The R extensions
>>>> tells you how to do this.
>>>> Here are all my R functions. The last one calls almost all of the
>>>>> previous
>>>>> functions. It is the one I am interested in most. It gives me the
>>>>> correct
>>>>> output but it takes several days to run only 1000 or 2000
>>>>> e.g. system.time(test1<-finalF(**designs=5,swaps=20));test1
>>>>> will take about 20 minutes to run but
>>>>> system.time(test1<-finalF(**designs=5,swaps=50));test1 takes about
>>>>> hours
>>>>> and system.time(test1<-finalF(**designs=25,swaps=2000));test1
>>>>> about 3
>>>>> days to run
>>>>> Here are my functions
>>>>> ##############################**##############################**
>>>>> #########
>>>>> ls() # list all existing objects
>>>>> rm(list = ls()) # remove them all
>>>>> rm(list = ls()[!grepl("global.var.A", ls())])
>>>>> # refresh memory
>>>>> gc()
>>>>> ls()
>>>>> ### Define a function that requires useful input from the user
>>>>> #b=4;g=seq(1,20,1);rb=5;cb=4;**s2e=1; r=10;c=8
>>>>> ##############################**#######
>>>>> ##############################**######
>>>>> # function to calculate heritability
>>>>> herit<-function(varG,varR=1)
>>>>> {
>>>>> h<-4*varG/(varG+varR)
>>>>> return(c(heritability=h))
>>>>> }
>>>>> ##############################**#####
>>>>> # function to calculate random error
>>>>> varR<-function(varG,h2)
>>>>> {
>>>>> varR<- varG*(4-h2)/h2
>>>>> return(c(random_error=varR))
>>>>> }
>>>>> ##############################**############
>>>>> # function to calculate treatment variance
>>>>> varG<-function(varR=1,h2)
>>>>> {
>>>>> varG<-varR*h2/(4-h2)
>>>>> return(c(treatment_variance=**varG))
>>>>> }
>>>>> ##############################**#
>>>>> # calculating R inverse from spatial data
>>>>> rspat<-function(rhox=0.6,rhoy=**0.6)
>>>>> {
>>>>> s2e<-1
>>>>> R<-s2e*eye(N)
>>>>> for(i in 1:N) {
>>>>> for (j in i:N){
>>>>> y1<-y[i]
>>>>> y2<-y[j]
>>>>> x1<-x[i]
>>>>> x2<-x[j]
>>>>> R[i,j]<-s2e*(rhox^abs(x2-x1))***(rhoy^abs(y2-y1)) # Core
>>>>> AR(1)*AR(1)
>>>>> R[j,i]<-R[i,j]
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> IR<-solve(R)
>>>>> IR
>>>>> }
>>>>> ped<<-read.table("ped2new.txt"**,header=FALSE)
>>>>> # Now work on the pedigree
>>>>> ## A function to return Zinverse from pedigree
>>>>> ZGped<-function(ped)
>>>>> {
>>>>> ped2<-data.frame(ped)
>>>>> lenp2<-length(unique(ped2$V1))**;lenp2 # how many Genotypes in
>>>>> total in
>>>>> the pedigree =40
>>>>> ln2<-length(g);ln2#ln2=nrow(**matdf)=30
>>>>> # calculate the new Z
>>>>> Zped<-model.matrix(~ matdf$genotypes -1)# has order N*t = 180
>by 30
>>>>> dif<-(lenp2-ln2);dif # 40-30=10
>>>>> #print(c(lenp2,ln2,dif))
>>>>> zeromatrix<-zeros(nrow(matdf),**dif);zeromatrix # 180 by 10
>>>>> Z<-cbind(zeromatrix,Zped) # Design Matrix for random effect
>>>>> (Genotypes):
>>>>> 180 by 40
>>>>> # calculate the new G
>>>>> M<-matrix(0,lenp2,lenp2) # 40 by 40
>>>>> for (i in 1:nrow(ped2)) { M[ped2[i, 1], ped2[i, 2]] <- ped2[i,
>3] }
>>>>> G<-s2g*M # Genetic Variance covariance matrix for pedigree 2:
>40 by
>>>>> 40
>>>>> IG<-solve(G)
>>>>> return(list(IG=IG, Z=Z))
>>>>> }
>>>>> ##########################
>>>>> ## Required packages #
>>>>> ############################
>>>>> library(gmp)
>>>>> library(knitr) # load this packages for publishing results
>>>>> library(matlab)
>>>>> library(Matrix)
>>>>> library(psych)
>>>>> library(foreach)
>>>>> library(epicalc)
>>>>> library(ggplot2)
>>>>> library(xtable)
>>>>> library(gdata)
>>>>> library(gplots)
>>>>> #b=6;g=seq(1,30,1);rb=5;cb=6;**r=15;c=12;h2=0.3;rhox=0.6;**
>>>>> rhoy=0.6;ped=0
>>>>> setup<-function(b,g,rb,cb,r,c,**h2,rhox=0.6,rhoy=0.6,ped="F")
>>>>> {
>>>>> # where
>>>>> # b = number of blocks
>>>>> # t = number of treatments per block
>>>>> # rb = number of rows per block
>>>>> # cb = number of columns per block
>>>>> # s2g = variance within genotypes
>>>>> # h2 = heritability
>>>>> # r = total number of rows for the layout
>>>>> # c = total number of columns for the layout
>>>>> ### Check points
>>>>> if(b==" ")
>>>>> stop(paste(sQuote("block")," cannot be missing"))
>>>>> if(!is.vector(g) | length(g)<3)
>>>>> stop(paste(sQuote("treatments"**)," should be a vector
>>>>> more than
>>>>> 2"))
>>>>> if(!is.numeric(b))
>>>>> stop(paste(sQuote("block"),"is not of class",
>>>>> sQuote("numeric")))
>>>>> if(length(b)>1)
>>>>> stop(paste(sQuote("block"),"**has to be only 1 numeric
>>>>> value"))
>>>>> if(!is.whole(b))
>>>>> stop(paste(sQuote("block"),"**has to be an",
>>>>> sQuote("integer")))
>>>>> ## Compatibility checks
>>>>> if(rb*cb !=length(g))
>>>>> stop(paste(sQuote("rb x cb")," should be equal to number
>>>>> treatment", sQuote("g")))
>>>>> if(length(g) != rb*cb)
>>>>> stop(paste(sQuote("the number of treatments"), "is not
>equal to",
>>>>> sQuote("rb*cb")))
>>>>> ## Generate the design
>>>>> g<<-g
>>>>> genotypes<-times(b) %do% sample(g,length(g))
>>>>> #genotypes<-rep(g,b)
>>>>> block<-rep(1:b,each=length(g))
>>>>> genotypes<-factor(genotypes)
>>>>> block<-factor(block)
>>>>> ### generate the base design
>>>>> k<-c/cb # number of blocks on the x-axis
>>>>> x<<-rep(rep(1:r,each=cb),k) # X-coordinate
>>>>> #w<-rb
>>>>> l<-cb
>>>>> p<-r/rb
>>>>> m<-l+1
>>>>> d<-l*b/p
>>>>> y<<-c(rep(1:l,r),rep(m:d,r)) # Y-coordinate
>>>>> ## compact
>>>>> matdf<<-data.frame(x,y,block,**genotypes)
>>>>> N<<-nrow(matdf)
>>>>> mm<-summ(matdf)
>>>>> ss<-des(matdf)
>>>>> ## Identity matrices
>>>>> X<<-model.matrix(~block-1)
>>>>> h2<<-h2;rhox<<-rhox;rhoy<<-**rhoy
>>>>> s2g<<-varG(varR=1,h2)
>>>>> ## calculate G and Z
>>>>> ifelse(ped == "F",
>>>>> c(IG<<-(1/s2g)*eye(length(g)),**Z<<-model.matrix(~matdf$**
>>>>> genotypes-1)),
>>>>> c(IG<<- ZGped(ped)[[1]],Z<<-ZGped(ped)**[[2]]))
>>>>> ## calculate R and IR
>>>>> s2e<-1
>>>>> ifelse(rhox==0 | rhoy==0, IR<<-(1/s2e)*eye(N),
>>>>> IR<<-rspat(rhox=rhox,rhoy=**rhoy))
>>>>> C11<-t(X)%*%IR%*%X
>>>>> C11inv<-solve(C11)
>>>>> K<<-IR%*%X%*%C11inv%*%t(X)%*%**IR
>>>>> return(list(matdf=matdf,**summary=mm,description=ss))
>>>>> }
>>>>> #setup(b=6,g=seq(1,30,1),rb=5,**cb=6,r=15,c=12,h2=0.3,rhox=0.**
>>>>> 6,rhoy=0.6,ped="F")[1]
>>>>> #system.time(out3<-setup(b=6,**g=seq(1,30,1),rb=5,cb=6,r=15,**
>>>>> c=12,h2=0.3,rhox=0.6,rhoy=0.6,**ped="F"));out3
>>>>> #system.time(out4<-setup(b=16,**g=seq(1,196,1),rb=14,cb=14,r=**
>>>>> 56,c=56,h2=0.3,rhox=0.6,rhoy=**0.6,ped="F"));out4
>>>>> ##############################**######################
>>>>> # The function below uses shortcuts from textbook by Harville
>>>>> # uses inverse of a partitioned matrix technique
>>>>> ##############################**######################
>>>>> mainF<-function(criteria=c("A"**,"D"))
>>>>> {
>>>>> ### Variance covariance matrices
>>>>> temp<-t(Z)%*%IR%*%Z+IG - t(Z)%*%K%*%Z
>>>>> C22<-solve(temp)
>>>>> ##########################
>>>>> ## Optimality Criteria
>>>>> #########################
>>>>> traceI<<-sum(diag(C22)) ## A-Optimality
>>>>> doptimI<<-log(det(C22)) # D-Optimality: minimize the det of the
>>>>> inverse
>>>>> of Inform Matrix
>>>>> #return(c(traceI,doptimI))
>>>>> if(criteria=="A") return(traceI)
>>>>> if(criteria=="D") return(doptimI)
>>>>> else{return(c(traceI,doptimI))**}
>>>>> }
>>>>> # system.time(res1<-mainF(**criteria="A"));res1
>>>>> # system.time(res2<-mainF(**criteria="D"));res2
>>>>> #system.time(res3<-mainF(**criteria="both"));res3
>>>>> ##############################**################
>>>>> ### Swap function that takes matdf and returns
>>>>> ## global values newnatdf and design matrices
>>>>> ### Z and IG
>>>>> ##############################**################
>>>>> swapsimple<-function(matdf,**ped="F")
>>>>> {
>>>>> # dataset D =mat1 generated from the above function
>>>>> ## now, new design after swapping is
>>>>> matdf<-as.data.frame(matdf)
>>>>> attach(matdf,warn.conflict=**FALSE)
>>>>> b1<-sample(matdf$block,1,**replace=TRUE);b1
>>>>> gg1<-matdf$genotypes[block==**b1];gg1
>>>>> g1<-sample(gg1,2);g1
>>>>> samp<-Matrix(c(g1=g1,block=b1)**,nrow=1,ncol=3,
>>>>> newGen<-matdf$genotypes
>>>>> newG<-ifelse(matdf$genotypes==**samp[,1] &
>>>>> block==samp[,3],samp[,2],**matdf$genotypes)
>>>>> NewG<-ifelse(matdf$genotypes==**samp[,2] &
>>>>> block==samp[,3],samp[,1],newG)
>>>>> NewG<-factor(NewG)
>>>>> ## now, new design after swapping is
>>>>> newmatdf<-cbind(matdf,NewG)
>>>>> newmatdf<<-as.data.frame(**newmatdf)
>>>>> mm<-summ(newmatdf)
>>>>> ss<-des(newmatdf)
>>>>> ## Identity matrices
>>>>> ifelse(ped == "F",
>>>>> c(IG<<-
>>>>> ZGped(ped)[[1]],Z<<-ZGped(ped)**[[2]]))
>>>>> ## calculate R and IR
>>>>> C11<-t(X)%*%IR%*%X
>>>>> C11inv<-solve(C11)
>>>>> K<<-IR%*%X%*%C11inv%*%t(X)%*%**IR
>>>>> return(list(newmatdf=newmatdf,**summary=mm,description=ss))
>>>>> }
>>>>> #swapsimple(matdf,ped="F")[c(**2,3)]
>>>>> #which(newmatdf$genotypes != newmatdf$NewG)
>>>>> ##############################**#############
>>>>> # for one design, swap pairs of treatments
>>>>> # several times and store the traces
>>>>> # of the successive swaps
>>>>> ##############################**############
>>>>> optmF<-function(iterations=2,**verbose=FALSE)
>>>>> {
>>>>> trace<-c()
>>>>> for (k in 1:iterations){
>>>>> setup(b=6,g=seq(1,30,1),rb=5,**cb=6,r=15,c=12,h2=0.3,rhox=0.**
>>>>> 6,rhoy=0.6,ped="F")
>>>>> swapsimple(matdf,ped="F")
>>>>> trace[k]<-mainF(criteria="A")
>>>>> iterations[k]<-k
>>>>> mat<-cbind(trace, iterations= seq(iterations))
>>>>> }
>>>>> if (verbose){
>>>>> cat("***starting matrix\n")
>>>>> print(mat)
>>>>> }
>>>>> # iterate till done
>>>>> while(nrow(mat) > 1){
>>>>> high <- diff(mat[, 'trace']) > 0
>>>>> if (!any(high)) break # done
>>>>> # find which one to delete
>>>>> delete <- which.max(high) + 1L
>>>>> #mat <- mat[-delete, ]
>>>>> mat <- mat[-delete,, drop=FALSE]
>>>>> }
>>>>> mat
>>>>> }
>>>>> #system.time(test1<-optmF(**iterations=10));test1
>>>>> ##############################**##################
>>>>> ##############################**#################
>>>>> swap<-function(matdf,ped="F",**criteria=c("A","D"))
>>>>> {
>>>>> # dataset D =mat1 generated from the above function
>>>>> ## now, new design after swapping is
>>>>> matdf<-as.data.frame(matdf)
>>>>> attach(matdf,warn.conflict=**FALSE)
>>>>> b1<-sample(matdf$block,1,**replace=TRUE);b1
>>>>> gg1<-matdf$genotypes[block==**b1];gg1
>>>>> g1<-sample(gg1,2);g1
>>>>> samp<-Matrix(c(g1=g1,block=b1)**,nrow=1,ncol=3,
>>>>> newGen<-matdf$genotypes
>>>>> newG<-ifelse(matdf$genotypes==**samp[,1] &
>>>>> block==samp[,3],samp[,2],**matdf$genotypes)
>>>>> NewG<-ifelse(matdf$genotypes==**samp[,2] &
>>>>> block==samp[,3],samp[,1],newG)
>>>>> NewG<-factor(NewG)
>>>>> ## now, new design after swapping is
>>>>> newmatdf<-cbind(matdf,NewG)
>>>>> newmatdf<<-as.data.frame(**newmatdf)
>>>>> mm<-summ(newmatdf)
>>>>> ss<-des(newmatdf)
>>>>> ## Identity matrices
>>>>> #X<<-model.matrix(~block-1)
>>>>> #s2g<<-varG(varR=1,h2)
>>>>> ## calculate G and Z
>>>>> ifelse(ped == "F",
>>>>> c(IG<<-
>>>>> ZGped(ped)[[1]],Z<<-ZGped(ped)**[[2]]))
>>>>> ## calculate R and IR
>>>>> C11<-t(X)%*%IR%*%X
>>>>> C11inv<-solve(C11)
>>>>> K<-IR%*%X%*%C11inv%*%t(X)%*%IR
>>>>> temp<-t(Z)%*%IR%*%Z+IG - t(Z)%*%K%*%Z
>>>>> C22<-solve(temp)
>>>>> ##########################
>>>>> ## Optimality Criteria
>>>>> #########################
>>>>> traceI<-sum(diag(C22)) ## A-Optimality
>>>>> doptimI<-log(det(C22)) #
>>>>> #return(c(traceI,doptimI))
>>>>> if(criteria=="A") return(traceI)
>>>>> if(criteria=="D") return(doptimI)
>>>>> else{return(c(traceI,doptimI))**}
>>>>> }
>>>>> #swap(matdf,ped="F",criteria="**both")
>>>>> ##############################**#############
>>>>> ### Generate 25 initial designs
>>>>> ##############################**#############
>>>>> #rspatf<-function(design){
>>>>> # arr = array(1, dim=c(nrow(matdf),ncol(matdf)+**1,design))
>>>>> # l<-list(length=dim(arr)[3])
>>>>> # for (i in 1:dim(arr)[3]){
>>>>> # l[[i]]<-swapsimple(matdf,ped="**F")[[1]][,,i]
>>>>> # }
>>>>> # l
>>>>> #}
>>>>> #matd<-rspatf(design=5)
>>>>> #matd
>>>>> #which(matd[[1]]$genotypes != matd[[1]]$NewG)
>>>>> #which(matd[[2]]$genotypes != matd[[2]]$NewG)
>>>>> ##############################**#################
>>>>> ##############################**#################
>>>>> optm<-function(iterations=2,**verbose=FALSE)
>>>>> {
>>>>> trace<-c()
>>>>> for (k in 1:iterations){
>>>>> setup(b=6,g=seq(1,30,1),rb=5,**cb=6,r=15,c=12,h2=0.3,rhox=0.**
>>>>> 6,rhoy=0.6,ped="F")
>>>>> trace[k]<-swap(matdf,ped="F",**criteria="A")
>>>>> iterations[k]<-k
>>>>> mat<-cbind(trace, iterations= seq(iterations))
>>>>> }
>>>>> if (verbose){
>>>>> cat("***starting matrix\n")
>>>>> print(mat)
>>>>> }
>>>>> # iterate till done
>>>>> while(nrow(mat) > 1){
>>>>> high <- diff(mat[, 'trace']) > 0
>>>>> if (!any(high)) break # done
>>>>> # find which one to delete
>>>>> delete <- which.max(high) + 1L
>>>>> #mat <- mat[-delete, ]
>>>>> mat <- mat[-delete,, drop=FALSE]
>>>>> }
>>>>> mat
>>>>> }
>>>>> #system.time(res<-optm(**iterations=10));res
>>>>> ##############################**###################
>>>>> ##############################**##################
>>>>> finalF<-function(designs,**swaps)
>>>>> {
>>>>> Nmatdf<-list()
>>>>> OP<-list()
>>>>> Miny<-NULL
>>>>> Maxy<-NULL
>>>>> Minx<-NULL
>>>>> Maxx<-NULL
>>>>> for (i in 1:designs)
>>>>> {
>>>>> setup(b=4,g=seq(1,20,1),rb=5,**cb=4,r=10,c=8,h2=0.3,rhox=0.6,**
>>>>> rhoy=0.6,ped="F")[1]
>>>>> mainF(criteria="A")
>>>>> for (j in 1:swaps)
>>>>> {
>>>>> OP[[i]]<- optmF(iterations=swaps)
>>>>> Nmatdf[[i]]<-newmatdf[,5]
>>>>> Miny[i]<-min(OP[[i]][,1])
>>>>> Maxy[i]<-max(OP[[i]][,1])
>>>>> Minx[i]<-min(OP[[i]][,2])
>>>>> Maxx[i]<-max(OP[[i]][,2])
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> return(list(OP=OP,Miny=Miny,**Maxy=Maxy,Minx=Minx,Maxx=Maxx,**
>>>>> Nmatdf=Nmatdf))
>>>>> # gives us both the Optimal conditions and designs
>>>>> }
>>>>> ##############################**###################
>>>>> sink(file= paste(format(Sys.time(),
>>>>> "Final_%a_%b_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S"),**"txt",sep="."),split=TRUE)
>>>>> system.time(test1<-finalF(**designs=25,swaps=2000));test1
>>>>> sink()
>>>>> I expect results like this below
>>>>> sink()
>>>>>> finalF<-function(designs,**swaps)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> + Nmatdf<-list()
>>>>> + OP<-list()
>>>>> + Miny<-NULL
>>>>> + Maxy<-NULL
>>>>> + Minx<-NULL
>>>>> + Maxx<-NULL
>>>>> + for (i in 1:designs)
>>>>> + {
>>>>> +
>>>>> setup(b=4,g=seq(1,20,1),rb=5,**cb=4,r=10,c=8,h2=0.3,rhox=0.6,**
>>>>> rhoy=0.6,ped="F")[1]
>>>>> + mainF(criteria="A")
>>>>> + for (j in 1:swaps)
>>>>> + {
>>>>> + OP[[i]]<- optmF(iterations=swaps)
>>>>> + Nmatdf[[i]]<-newmatdf[,5]
>>>>> + Miny[i]<-min(OP[[i]][,1])
>>>>> + Maxy[i]<-max(OP[[i]][,1])
>>>>> + Minx[i]<-min(OP[[i]][,2])
>>>>> + Maxx[i]<-max(OP[[i]][,2])
>>>>> + }
>>>>> + }
>>>>> +
>>>>> #
>>>>> gives us both the Optimal conditions and designs
>>>>> +}
>>>>>> sink(file= paste(format(Sys.time(),
>>>>>> "Final_%a_%b_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S"),**"txt",sep="."),split=TRUE)
>>>>>> system.time(test1<-finalF(**designs=5,swaps=5));test1
>>>>> user system elapsed
>>>>> 37.88 0.00 38.04
>>>>> $OP
>>>>> $OP[[1]]
>>>>> trace iterations
>>>>> [1,] 0.8961335 1
>>>>> [2,] 0.8952822 3
>>>>> [3,] 0.8934649 4
>>>>> $OP[[2]]
>>>>> trace iterations
>>>>> [1,] 0.893955 1
>>>>> $OP[[3]]
>>>>> trace iterations
>>>>> [1,] 0.9007225 1
>>>>> [2,] 0.8971837 4
>>>>> [3,] 0.8902474 5
>>>>> $OP[[4]]
>>>>> trace iterations
>>>>> [1,] 0.8964726 1
>>>>> [2,] 0.8951722 4
>>>>> $OP[[5]]
>>>>> trace iterations
>>>>> [1,] 0.8973285 1
>>>>> [2,] 0.8922594 4
>>>>> $Miny
>>>>> [1] 0.8934649 0.8939550 0.8902474 0.8951722 0.8922594
>>>>> $Maxy
>>>>> [1] 0.8961335 0.8939550 0.9007225 0.8964726 0.8973285
>>>>> $Minx
>>>>> [1] 1 1 1 1 1
>>>>> $Maxx
>>>>> [1] 4 1 5 4 4
>>>>> $Nmatdf
>>>>> $Nmatdf[[1]]
>>>>> [1] 30 8 5 28 27 29 1 26 24 22 13 6 17 18 2 19 14 11 3 23
>>>>> 15 21
>>>>> 9 25 4 7 20 12 16 14 17 15 5 8 6 19
>>>>> [38] 4 1 10 11 3 24 20 13 2 27 12 16 28 21 23 30 25 29 7 26
>18 9
>>>>> 22
>>>>> 24 21 26 2 13 30 5 28 20 11 3 7 18 25
>>>>> [75] 22 16 4 17 19 27 29 10 23 6 12 15 14 1 9 8 12 11 3 8
>>>>> 20 23
>>>>> 22 7 15 19 29 24 27 13 2 6 1 21 26 25
>>>>> [112] 10 16 14 18 4 30 17 9 28 29 9 7 27 11 2 30 18 8 14 19
>20 15
>>>>> 21
>>>>> 4 3 16 24 13 28 26 10 12 6 5 25 1 17
>>>>> [149] 23 22 21 2 23 16 4 10 9 22 30 24 1 27 3 20 12 5 26 17
>28 11
>>>>> 7
>>>>> 14 8 25 19 13 18 29 15 6
>>>>> Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
>23 24
>>>>> 25
>>>>> 26 27 28 29 30
>>>>> $Nmatdf[[2]]
>>>>> [1] 5 13 30 2 21 23 6 27 16 19 8 26 18 4 20 9 22 28 7 3
>>>>> 10 11
>>>>> 17 25 24 29 1 14 12 28 18 23 19 21 16 17
>>>>> [38] 29 13 7 15 27 25 22 10 1 2 5 30 9 20 3 14 24 26 4 6
>>>>> 11 8
>>>>> 8 18 25 12 5 23 21 4 9 17 20 1 2 6
>>>>> [75] 22 7 16 26 30 29 3 15 19 14 13 11 24 28 27 10 16 21 26 23
>25 4
>>>>> 9
>>>>> 24 15 14 22 1 20 27 2 7 17 18 13 8 12
>>>>> [112] 5 6 19 28 3 10 30 11 29 11 30 14 9 26 5 1 10 29 28 4
>18 8
>>>>> 24
>>>>> 20 13 3 23 27 6 15 16 21 2 17 7 25 12
>>>>> [149] 19 22 7 28 8 11 26 24 12 29 9 16 21 27 22 23 18 19 13 6
>15 3
>>>>> 1
>>>>> 30 2 17 14 5 25 20 4 10
>>>>> Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
>23 24
>>>>> 25
>>>>> 26 27 28 29 30
>>>>> $Nmatdf[[3]]
>>>>> [1] 7 25 4 30 12 11 14 13 26 1 10 21 15 22 29 19 27 16 2 24
>>>>> 20 3
>>>>> 5 23 8 18 6 17 9 6 21 9 15 11 17 13
>>>>> [38] 29 24 4 20 7 23 14 2 16 18 26 19 25 8 1 12 10 28 27 22
>30 5
>>>>> 3
>>>>> 20 12 8 2 11 18 24 19 9 22 15 7 30 27
>>>>> [75] 17 29 6 3 5 1 21 25 28 14 23 4 16 26 13 10 20 29 26 25
>>>>> 22 9
>>>>> 10 28 17 18 21 6 16 7 1 3 24 11 2 4
>>>>> [112] 14 8 5 13 27 23 30 19 12 6 30 1 2 7 28 18 8 20 10 4
>25 14
>>>>> 19
>>>>> 27 11 13 29 12 9 3 26 22 21 16 15 17 24
>>>>> [149] 5 23 17 6 25 11 21 29 5 26 13 7 15 2 9 4 18 30 3 8
>20 24
>>>>> 27
>>>>> 22 19 16 28 12 1 23 14 10
>>>>> Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
>23 24
>>>>> 25
>>>>> 26 27 28 29 30
>>>>> $Nmatdf[[4]]
>>>>> [1] 24 8 17 30 10 20 4 28 25 16 14 13 7 12 26 29 21 19 1 22
>11 6
>>>>> 23
>>>>> 18 15 5 27 2 3 9 1 24 27 15 26 14 28
>>>>> [38] 20 8 5 4 29 2 25 9 13 6 21 7 22 30 17 3 10 12 19 11
>>>>> 16 23
>>>>> 25 18 3 29 1 4 8 6 9 30 2 14 11 16
>>>>> [75] 23 13 10 12 7 19 17 5 21 28 24 20 15 27 26 22 14 5 7 6
>17 3
>>>>> 1
>>>>> 29 25 23 19 11 21 18 4 30 20 8 2 12 9
>>>>> [112] 16 10 15 27 26 13 24 28 22 19 7 17 1 12 8 18 16 14 22 3
>28 27
>>>>> 25
>>>>> 10 6 4 15 30 9 11 5 20 26 24 29 21 2
>>>>> [149] 23 13 2 16 10 25 18 15 26 22 12 19 30 17 23 8 3 7 20 14
>13 28
>>>>> 9
>>>>> 21 11 29 6 5 4 24 27 1
>>>>> Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
>23 24
>>>>> 25
>>>>> 26 27 28 29 30
>>>>> $Nmatdf[[5]]
>>>>> [1] 12 18 8 22 9 21 2 1 29 13 30 25 17 6 16 5 26 7 3 14
>>>>> 15 28
>>>>> 27 10 24 20 11 19 4 20 30 14 27 25 4 6
>>>>> [38] 28 23 8 9 29 26 19 24 7 5 1 11 22 21 2 10 18 12 15 3
>>>>> 13 16
>>>>> 16 22 6 9 21 5 14 2 30 10 3 25 27 15
>>>>> [75] 28 7 17 20 11 8 19 29 12 26 24 13 1 4 18 23 4 16 10 25
>>>>> 13 18
>>>>> 19 22 7 28 30 23 21 11 2 14 9 20 24 8
>>>>> [112] 17 1 15 29 6 12 27 3 26 14 8 26 6 20 9 15 23 3 22 7
>30 25
>>>>> 24
>>>>> 1 10 19 21 4 11 2 18 17 13 28 29 27 16
>>>>> [149] 12 5 19 2 4 5 15 21 17 7 25 8 6 16 20 29 10 18 1 12
>26 28
>>>>> 27
>>>>> 11 14 23 22 9 3 13 30 24
>>>>> Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
>23 24
>>>>> 25
>>>>> 26 27 28 29 30
>>>>> Michael Dewey
>>>> info at aghmed.fsnet.co.uk
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