[R] Issue installing Packages

Alexandre Khelifa akhelifa at logitech.com
Thu Aug 15 20:54:14 CEST 2013

Hi Guys,

Hope you are doing good. I am using R (3.0.1 - 32 bits) extensively for my
work but I have been having an issue for the last days.

I would like to download (and update) the packages RODBC, forecast and
gdata but I cannot download the binary file from the CRAN Mirrors.
I have tried several of them but the file cannot download completely and
freeze when downloaded at 99%.

Thus, I cannot install it on my R console.
I have checked with several co-workers and they all have the same issues.

Please let me know what I can do.
Please also find attached a copy of the issue while downloading the windows
binary file.

Thanks a lot for your help, and the R support. It is a AMAZING tool.


Alexandre Khelifa

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