[R] How to "vectorize" subsetting

Derickson, Ryan, VHACIN Ryan.Derickson at va.gov
Wed Aug 14 14:20:24 CEST 2013

Hello all, 

I've tried to solve this for weeks and posted to other forums with
little success- I'd appreciate any help from anyone. 

I have survey data grouped by facility and area (area is a collection of
facilities). Questions are q1-q10. 

For each facility, I need to subset each item into the facility's
responses, and the facility's area responses excluding the facility.
This might illustrate it better:

Area	Facility		Q1... Q10
1	1		2
1	2		3
1	3		1
2	4		4
2	5		5
2	6		2

A<- Select Q1 for all Area=1 and Facility!=1; B<- Select Q1 for all
Facility=1; <do something with A and B>
A<- Select Q1 for all Area=1 and Facility!=2; B<- Select Q1 for all
Facility=2; <do something with A and B>
A<- Select Q1 for all Area=1 and Facility!=3; B<- Select Q1 for all
Facility=3; <do something with A and B>		
A<- Select Q10 for all Area=2 and Facility!=6; B<- Select Q10 for all
Facility=6; <do something with A and B>	 

I know how to write the code to manually pull each subset, but I have a
lot of facilities and areas that get renamed from year to year so I need
to "vectorize" my code so each subset doesn't have to be explicitly
called by area or facility name.

Again, I would be incredibly appreciative of any help. I'm at a


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