[R] Problems with displaying Regression Results

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 15:44:51 CEST 2013

TMiller <thomas.mueller <at> student.unisg.ch> writes:

> Hello guys
> I have the following questions.
> I am currently running various regressions using the lm() command.
> As a result I get the following:


(it's generally better to just cut-and-paste text into your
message ...)

> My question is why R always adds the "e"s although for example they could
> just write -2610 as the upper left value which would be less confusing than
> with the "e"s?

  Because it tries to format all of the values within a column
consistently.  (See ?format for details, although that does not
answer your question directly.)

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