[R] Internalization of help pages

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Sun Aug 4 02:28:42 CEST 2013

On 08/04/2013 10:20 AM, Jim Lemon wrote:
> On 08/03/2013 05:34 PM, Tomáš Greif wrote:
>> ...
>> Any idea how to create proof of concept for this?
>> ...
> Hi Tomas,
> Here is a translation of a short .Rd file for one of the packages I
> maintain. It took me about five minutes to translate it into Spanish
> using Google Translate. I am not a good enough Spanish speaker to judge
> the grammar well, but it seems to adequately convey the intent of the
> English version, which is also attached.
> Jim
Oops, I forgot that .Rd files will get stripped from the message. Here 
they are inline:

\title{Add value labels}
\description{Añade las etiquetas de valor a una variable.}
   \item{x}{La variable para agregar las etiquetas.}
   \item{value.labels}{Las etiquetas.}
  \ samp {add.value.labels} añade etiquetas de valor como los de un archivo
  .sav SPSS. Esto hace que sea un poco más fácil para pegar en las etiquetas
  de valor que se han perdido o no existe en el primer lugar.}
  La variable con las etiquetas añadió.}
\author{Jim Lemon}

\title{Add value labels}
\description{Adds value labels to a variable.}
   \item{x}{The variable to add the labels.}
   \item{value.labels}{The labels.}
  \samp{add.value.labels} adds value labels like those from an SPSS .sav 
  It makes it a bit easier to stick on value labels that have been lost 
or were
  not there in the first place.}
  The variable with the labels added.}
\author{Jim Lemon}

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