[R] Removing null vector that is not in .csv file data

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 2 19:54:42 CEST 2013

You could remove it by:
vec1<- c( "","1003PI_pilot0101", "1003PI_pilot0102","1003PI_pilot0103", "1003PI_pilot0104", "1003PI_pilot0105", "1003PI_pilot0107") 
#[1] "1003PI_pilot0101" "1003PI_pilot0102" "1003PI_pilot0103" "1003PI_pilot0104"
#[5] "1003PI_pilot0105" "1003PI_pilot0107"
#[1] "1003PI_pilot0101" "1003PI_pilot0102" "1003PI_pilot0103" "1003PI_pilot0104"
#[5] "1003PI_pilot0105" "1003PI_pilot0107"

Without a reproducible example, it would be difficult to comment how you got that.


Hello all, 
I am a super R novice, using  it for work. 
I loaded a seemingly normal .csv file into R, and in one of the variables, a null vector was added. 
this is what it looks like. 
[1] ""                 "1003PI_pilot0101" "1003PI_pilot0102" 
"1003PI_pilot0103" "1003PI_pilot0104" "1003PI_pilot0105" 

However, when I check the head, it looks completely normal, and the first piece of data is "1003PI_pilot0101". 

How do I remove this null vector? And why is it there in the 
first place? There is nothing in the original .csv data file that 
indicates a blank or anything out of the ordinary. 
Sorry if this is a super dumb question. I just want to get my work done.

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