[R] Tables package - remove NAs and NaN

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at gmail.com
Tue Apr 23 11:04:12 CEST 2013

Dear David,

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 10:00 AM, David Winsemius
<dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
>  tabular( (`p a`=interaction(a,p, drop=TRUE, sep=" ")) ~ (N = 1) + (b + c)*
>               (mean+sd),data=q)
>         b           c
>  p a N  mean sd     mean sd
>  1 A 10 12.8 0.7888 52.1 8.020
>  3 A 10 14.6 3.7771 56.5 6.980
>  2 B 10 16.3 3.0569 54.9 8.711
Unfortunately although this works, with this approach the formatting
completely breaks down. Consider the following slightly modified
##generate longer labels
q <- data.frame(p=rep(c("First group","Second group"),each=10,len=30),
                a=rep(c("Some long label","Some other long label",
"Yet another label"),each=10),id=seq(30),

##formatting OK (use monospace font)
tabular(((p=factor(p))*(a=factor(a))+1) ~ (N = 1) + (b + c)*

 p            a                     N  mean sd    mean sd
 First group  Some long label       10 12.6 1.897 58.4 9.204
              Some other long label  0  NaN    NA  NaN    NA
              Yet another label     10 15.6 3.373 55.8 7.671
 Second group Some long label        0  NaN    NA  NaN    NA
              Some other long label 10 14.1 2.183 58.3 8.551
              Yet another label      0  NaN    NA  NaN    NA
              All                   30 14.1 2.771 57.5 8.291

##formatting broken (use monospace font)
tabular( (`a p`=interaction(a,p, drop=TRUE, sep=" ") +1) ~ (N = 1) + (b + c)*

                                       b          c
 a p                                N  mean sd    mean sd
 Some long label First group        10 12.6 1.897 58.4 9.204
 Yet another label First group      10 15.6 3.373 55.8 7.671
 Some other long label Second group 10 14.1 2.183 58.3 8.551
 All                                30 14.1 2.771 57.5 8.291

Unfortunately this last table is unreadable. Is there a way to work
around this issue? Maybe we could use tab as separators, but
interaction(a,p, drop=TRUE, sep="'\t") didn't do what I had hoped.


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