[R] Problem with ode

Bingzhang Chen bingzhang.chen at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 02:16:04 CEST 2013


I am trying to run a 1D nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton model in R
using the package 'deSolve'.  The code is shown below:

DEPTH = seq(2.5, 147.5, 5)
NPZ = function(t, state, params){
  with(as.list(params), {
     P <- state[1:NB]
     Z <- state[(NB + 1): (2*NB)]
     N <- state[(2*NB + 1): (3*NB)]
     F.I = function(z, hr){
                I0 = function(hr){
                        if (hr <=16){
                           } else {
                 i = which(z == DEPTH)
                 I = I0(hr=hr)*0.43*exp(-z*Kw - Kc*(cumsum(delz*P)[i]
- delz*P[i]/2))
                 FI = alpha*I/(um^2 + (alpha*I)^2)^.5
        J1 = function(x){
        n = 10^3
        FI2 <- function(y)F.I(z = x, y)
        J1 = sum(sapply(runif(n, 0, 16), FI2))*16/24/n
        J = sapply(DEPTH, J1)         #the factor of light limitation
       deltaz <- c(rep(5, NB - 1), 2.5)
       P.Flux <- -D*diff(c(P,0))/deltaz
       Z.Flux <- -D*diff(c(Z,0))/deltaz
       N.Flux <- -D*diff(c(N,N0))/deltaz
       dP.dt = P*um*N/(N+Kn)*J - Z*Im*P^2/(P^2+Kp^2) - diff(c(0,P.Flux))/delz
       dZ.dt = Z*(eps*Im*P^2/(P^2+Kp^2) - g*Z) - diff(c(0,Z.Flux))/delz
       dN.dt = -P*um*N/(N+Kn)*J + Z*(1-eps)*Im*P^2/(P^2+Kp^2) + g*Z^2
-  diff(c(0,N.Flux))/delz
       return(list(c(dP.dt, dZ.dt, dN.dt)))

params1 = c(um = 1,              #maximal phytoplankton growth rate, d-1
            Kn = 0.2,          #nitrogen half-saturation constant uM/L
            Kw = 0.04,         #light attenuation due to water, unit: m^-1
            Kc = 0.03,      #light attenuation by phytoplankton,
#unit: m^2 (mmol N)^-1
            alpha = 0.025,
            Im = 0.6,          #zooplankton maximal ingestion rate, unit: /d
            Kp = 1,            #zooplankton half-saturation for
ingestion, unit: mmol N/m^3
            eps = .3,          #Growth efficiency of zooplankton
            delz = 5,
            D = 2.6,             #diffusion coefficiency, unit: m^2/d
            g = 0.025,       #zooplankton mortality rate, unit: d^-1
(mmol N)^-1
            N0 = 14,         #Nitrate concentration at 150 m
            NB = length(DEPTH))        #Number of depth intervals
P.int = c(rep(0.07, 8),.12, .18,rep(0.21,3),rep(0.35,2),
rep(0.42,2),rep(0.07, 8), rep(0.01, 5))
Z.int = P.int/7
N.int = c(rep(0.1, 13), rep(4.55, 5), rep(10,12))
state = c(P.int, Z.int, N.int)
Time = seq(0,100, by = 1)
NPZ.out <- ode.1D(state, Time, NPZ, params1, nspec = 3, names = c("P","Z","N"))

After running for about 7 hours, the result returns:
DLSODA-  At current T (=R1), MXSTEP (=I1) steps
      taken on this call before reaching TOUT
In above message, I =
[1] 5000
In above message, R =
[1] 0.0498949
1: In lsoda(y[ii], times, func = bmod, parms = parms, bandup = nspec *  :
  an excessive amount of work (> maxsteps ) was done, but integration
was not successful - increase maxsteps
2: In lsoda(y[ii], times, func = bmod, parms = parms, bandup = nspec *  :
  Returning early. Results are accurate, as far as they go

And the diagnostics(NPZ.out) shows:

lsoda return code

  return code (idid) =  -1
  Excess work done on this call. (Perhaps wrong Jacobian type MF.)

INTEGER values

  1 The return code : -1
  2 The number of steps taken for the problem so far: 5000
  3 The number of function evaluations for the problem so far: 44438
  5 The method order last used (successfully): 1
  6 The order of the method to be attempted on the next step: 1
  7 If return flag =-4,-5: the largest component in error vector 0
  8 The length of the real work array actually required: 1732
  9 The length of the integer work array actually required: 110
 14 The number of Jacobian evaluations and LU decompositions so far: 4834
 15 The method indicator for the last succesful step,
           1=adams (nonstiff), 2= bdf (stiff): 2
 16 The current method indicator to be attempted on the next step,
           1=adams (nonstiff), 2= bdf (stiff): 2

RSTATE values

  1 The step size in t last used (successfully): 2.189586e-06
  2 The step size to be attempted on the next step: 1.039085e-05
  3 The current value of the independent variable which the solver has
reached: 0.0498949
  4 Tolerance scale factor > 1.0 computed when requesting too much accuracy: 0
  5 The value of t at the time of the last method switch, if any: 0.005314453

So I wonder what are the exact problems with this model. Is it just
because of inappropriate parameters? I also wonder how I can speed up
the calculation time in R.

Bingzhang Chen
Ph. D.,
State Key Lab of Marine Environmental Science,
College of Oceanography and Environmental Science,
Xiamen University,
Xiamen, Fujian 361005
P. R. China

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