[R] Merging multiple columns into one column

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Sat Sep 29 00:12:13 CEST 2012

On Sep 28, 2012, at 2:51 PM, Meredith Ballard LaBeau wrote:

> Good Evening-
> I have a dataframe that has 10 columns that has a header and 7306 rows in
> each column, I want to combine these columns into one. I utilized the stack
> function but it only returned 3/4 of the data...my code is:
> where nfcuy_bw is the dataframe with 7305 obs. and 10 variables
> Once I apply this code I only receive a data frame with 58440 obs. of 2
> variables, of which there should be 73,050 obs. of 2 variables, just
> wondering what is happening here?
> View(nfcuy_bw)
> attach(nfcuy_bw)

Using 'attach' is a great way to produce confusing errors.

> cuyahoga_nf<-data.frame(s5,s10,s25,s27,s33,s41,s51,his_c)
> cuy_nf<-stack(cuyahoga_nf)

Unable to do much else in the absence of a dataset, much less a summary of these objects, .... whose creation is your responsibility, not ours.


David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA

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