[R] [Rscript] difficulty passing named arguments from commandline

Tom Roche Tom_Roche at pobox.com
Sun Sep 9 19:21:24 CEST 2012

>> # - Rscript ./netCDF.stats.to.stdout.r netcdf.fp="./GEIA_N2O_oceanic.nc" var.name="emi_n2o"
>> # fails

>> # + Rscript ./netCDF.stats.to.stdout.r 'netcdf.fp="./GEIA_N2O_oceanic.nc"' 'var.name="emi_n2o"'
>> # succeeds

> The trailling arguments to Rscript, generally read by
> commandArgs(TRUE), come into R as a vector of character strings.
> Your script can interpret those character strings in many ways.
> The [script linked above] processed them all with

>    eval(parse(text=arg[i]))

> so all the arguments had to be valid R expressions: strings must be
> quoted, unquoted things are treated as names of R objects, slash
> means division, "=" and "<-" mean assignment, etc.

That explains the need for strict quoting--thanks.

> If that is a problem, don't use parse() to interpret the strings;
> use sub() or strsplit() to extract substrings and do what you want
> with them. (This is somewhat safer than using eval(parse(text=))
> because it can do less.)

Assigning arguments via strsplit() does seem to be more of a PITA, but it works now @


your assistance is appreciated, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at pobox.com>

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