[R] How to insert vertical space between lines of tables created with the R package 'tables'?

Marius Hofert marius.hofert at math.ethz.ch
Sat Sep 8 20:14:13 CEST 2012

Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at gmail.com> writes:

> The + means concatenation, so that spec says to put the RowFactor above the
> d*beta rows.  Not sure why that causes an error, but it's likely because you've
> got the wrong number of items.
> This should work, but it doesn't give you the extra spacing properly. I didn't
> think anyone would want extra spacing on every level.  I'll put in a patch to
> fix it; look for an update on R-forge.
> tabular(RowFactor(d, spacing=1, space=0.5) * beta ~ group * mean *
> + Heading() * value, data=df)
> Duncan Murdoch

Thanks a lot, Duncan. 

In the minimal example, I have two variables (d and beta) that create "blocks"
of rows showing similar results. Assume you have three (say, d, beta, and
alpha in columns 1, 2, and 3, respectively). I typically separate blocks with the
same d by a larger space, then blocks with the same beta with a smaller space (and
blocks with the same alphas with no space). So this would look like:

tabular(RowFactor(d, spacing=2, space=0.5) * RowFactor(beta, spacing=2,
space=0.25) * alpha ~ group * mean * Heading() * value, data=df)

... with appropriate "spacing" arguments. I find this visually quite appealing. 



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