[R] Crosstable-like analysis (ks test) of dataframe

Johannes Radinger johannesradinger at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 12:10:21 CEST 2012


I have a dataframe with multiple (appr. 20) columns containing
vectors of different values (different distributions).
 Now I'd like to create a crosstable
where I compare the distribution of each vector (df-column) with
each other. For the comparison I want to use the ks.test().
The result should contain as row and column names the column names
of the input dataframe and the cells should be populated with
the p-value of the ks.test for each pairwise analysis.

My data.frame looks like:
df <- data.frame(X=rnorm(1000,2),Y=rnorm(1000,1),Z=rnorm(1000,2))

And the test for one single case is:
ks <- ks.test(df$X,df$Z)

where the p value is:

How can I create an automatized way of this pairwise analysis?
Any suggestions? I guess that is a quite common analysis (probably with
other tests).


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