[R] BRugs has a bug to use "OpenBUGS_PATH"

Shuguang Sun shuguang at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 20:00:56 CEST 2012


When I used BRugs (Version 0.8.0), I found a bug about the
findOpenBUGS way using "OpenBUGS_PATH". I don't know how to contact
the developer, so I think someone here may help me.

The issue is: I want to use OpenBUGS/BRugs in a portable way in
windows, so I set the environment variable "OpenBUGS_PATH" to tell
BRugs the path to OpenBugs. But the R library BRugs is still failed to
be loaded. I looked in the BRugs' source code, and found that there is
a bug in the "BRugs > R > windows > findOpenBUGS.R " file. It contains
the function definition of findOpenBUGS. In line 38 "version.inst <-
NA" should be "version.full <- NA". Otherwise, version.full can not be
found if I set the environment variable "OpenBUGS_PATH".

Thank you all.
Shuguang Sun

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