[R] splitting character vectors into multiple vectors using strsplit

David Romano romanod at grinnell.edu
Fri Sep 7 20:12:15 CEST 2012

Hi folks,

Suppose I create the character vector charvec by

> charvec<-c("a1.b1","a2.b2")
> charvec
[1] "a1.b1" "a2.b2"

and then I use strsplit on charvec as follows:

> splitlist<-strsplit(charvec,split=".",fixed=TRUE)
> splitlist
[1] "a1" "b1"

[1] "a2" "b2"

I was wondering whether there is already a function which can extract
the "a" and "b" parts of the list splitlist; that is, that can return
the same vectors as those created by c("a1","a2") and c("b1","b2").

David Romano

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