[R] RPostgreSQL Date format problem

scottyjock scott.smith2 at nhs.net
Thu Oct 4 14:44:08 CEST 2012

Hi, I've just started using RPostgreSQL within R to interrogate a PostgreSQL
database. The problem I have is that a column containing dates shows up
differently in R than in the database:

here is the output direct from the psql database in Linux:

db=> select pat_dob_dt from patients where pat_dob_dt like '%1980';
(10 rows)

and here is output from within R:

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> library(RPostgreSQL)
Loading required package: DBI
>  dbhost <- Sys.getenv("PGHOST")
>  m <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
>  con <- dbConnect(m, dbname = "db", host = dbhost)
> query <- "SELECT pat_dob_dt from patients where pat_dob_dt like '%1980';">
> pat_data <- dbGetQuery(con, statement = query)
> pat_data
1     4-05-19
2     1-12-19
3     4-05-19
4     2-10-19
5     5-01-19
6    25-09-19
7    14-12-19
8    22-07-19
9    24-01-19
10    1-07-19

As you can see it strips off the last two digits in the year, and converts
the "/" to a "-".
The as.Date function does not help as it cannot magically make the 2 digits
appear.....is this a setting in RPostgreSQL?
Completely stuck....google not helped. 

thanks in advance....

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