[R] Introduction text in R help files

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 13:37:46 CET 2012

On 12-11-28 6:52 AM, Ulrich Staudinger wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> is there a way to include  introduction text in the PDF that documents
> all methods? I want to avoid to write a proper vignette, but would
> much rather like to include some introduction text in my reference
> PDF.

Text like that could be put into the package help file, which appears 
first when you produce the PDF.  (See 2.1.4 in Writing R Extensions.) 
If you'd rather separate it, then just give it a name that sorts into 
the proper place.

You can include aliases for the methods in the file if you want this to 
be the primary source of documentation for them, or a link from each of 
them to your overview topic if you'd prefer more specific documentation 
to appear on a specific search.

Duncan Murdoch

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