[R] RExcel, ROOo and LibreOffice inquiry

John Kane jrkrideau at inbox.com
Mon Nov 26 14:40:59 CET 2012

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> From: landronimirc at gmail.com
> Sent: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 15:02:16 +0100
> To: jrkrideau at inbox.com
> Subject: Re: [R] RExcel, ROOo and LibreOffice inquiry
> On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 2:38 PM, John Kane <jrkrideau at inbox.com> wrote:
>> Can you supply a link for ROOo ? I don't see it anywhere.
> Oh, sorry. I thought it was obvious:
> http://rcom.univie.ac.at/download.html#ROOo

It should have been.  I must need new glasses.
>> Also what do you mean" OpenOffice is deprecated"?
>> Do you mean in terms of using it with ROOo?   Otherwide OOo, now under
>> new management at Apache is under active development under the name
>> Apache Open Office.
> Sun/Oracle discontinued developing OOo and donated it to Apache, which
> to my surprise made a recent release. However many Linux distros
> switched to LibreOffice, originally forked from OOo in 2010. To my
> understanding LibO is the project that should be followed by
> end-users.

I am not a close follow of the AOO/LibreOffice saga but as far as I know there are good points to each and certainly from my reading of the OOo forums there is no particular reason in general to go with one or the other.  Each one has its own peculiarities and minor bugs so which to use seems a matter of personal pereference and specific need at any givin point in time.

I suspect the move to LibreOffice with many distros was more a pollcy decision when OOo 's fate was in question.  Since the Apache move, it looks like AOO is going to be quite viable.

I think that LibreOffice offers a bit better compatibility with MS products.

I use both on Ubuntu 12.10 quite happily.

> Since ROOo is beta and rather outdated, I was wondering if there were
> an effort to bring an RExcel-like functionality to recent LibO or
> Gnumeric releases.

Not the slightest idea about that. Sorry I cannot help.  You might want to post a question on one of the OOo forums  about it.  I did not see ROOo in the AOO extensions bank so I'd be worried about it.

> Regards
> Liviu

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