[R] Issue with using geocode

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us
Mon Nov 26 08:59:57 CET 2012

a) Please post in plain text.

b) Although you mention Excel, it does not seem to be relevant.  (This is 
a good thing, but mentioning it is a red herring.)

c) Your definition of X is not executable R code.  If you have already 
imported data from elsewhere, you can use dput to make it easy for us to 
read it in (essentially) exactly as you have it loaded in your memory. I 
have assumed that you have a vector of strings that you failed to give us.

d) Quoting your variable X is not right. Rather you should index it. See 

On Sun, 25 Nov 2012, ioanna ioannou wrote:

> Hello,
> A very simple question but I am stuck. I have an excel file each row is an
> address. However, I cannot make geocode read each line and come up with the
> latitude longitude. Could you please correct my code?
> library(ggmap)
> X<-c (2 Afxentiou Ampelokipi Thessaloniki Greece, 2 Afxentiou Ampelokipi
> Thessaloniki Greece, 4 Afxentiou Ampelokipi Thessaloniki Greece, 55
> Agathonos Ampelokipi Thessaloniki Greece)
> For (i in 1:4){
> Y<-geocode('X')

Y[i] <- geocode(X[i])

> print Y[i]
> }

Or better yet, eliminate the entire for loop and just give geocode the 
whole vector:

Y <- geocode( X )

Then see what is in Y:


> Best wishes,
> Ioanna
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