[R] Can't see what i did wrong..

Jessica Streicher j.streicher at micromata.de
Thu Nov 15 15:32:16 CET 2012

Its not scaling.. so.. 

I guess i'll stay severely frustrated, and yes i know this is probably not enough information for anyone to help.
Still, talking helps ;)

On 15.11.2012, at 15:15, Jessica Streicher wrote:

> with
> pred.pca<-predict(splits[[i]]$pca,trainingData at samples)[,1:nPCs]
> dframe<-as.data.frame(cbind(pred.pca,class=isExplosive(trainingData,2)));
> results[[i]]$classifier<-ksvm(class~.,data=dframe,scaled=T,kernel="polydot",type="C-svc",
> 		C=C,kpar=list(degree=degree,scale=scale,offset=offset),prob.model=T)
> and a degree of 5 i get an error of 0 reported by the ksvm object. But when doing
> pred.pca<-predict(splits[[i]]$pca,trainingData at samples)[,1:nPCs]
> pred.svm<-kernlab::predict(results[[i]]$classifier,pred.pca,type="probabilities");
> results[[i]]$trainResults$predicted<-pred.svm[,2]
> the results vary widely from the class vector. Nearly all predictions are somewhat around 0.29. Its just strange. And i have no idea where things go wrong. They're in the same loop with i, so its probably not an indexing issue.
> Maybe kernlabs predict doesn't scale the data or something? 

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