[R] sample mean, variance and SD

Berend Hasselman bhh at xs4all.nl
Sat Nov 10 21:46:09 CET 2012

On 10-11-2012, at 19:23, parvez_200207 wrote:

> hi
> could you help me to solve this issue
> Question:
> Using command rweibull(100,8,15), simulate n = 100 realizations from
> Weibull(8; 15) distribution. Using the simulated sample, compute the sample
> mean, variance and standard deviation of these observations.
> I am trying like this
> sim<-rweibull(100,8,15) # simulated sample
> SM<-mean(sim) # simulated sample mean
> var(sim)      # variance
> sd(sim)       #SD
> Thank you in advance.

What is your actual question?
You have calculated what you were supposed to.

I guessing that the result wasn't what you expected.
I'm not going to give you a ready made answer to a question you didn't ask.
In an R console do


and read carefully about the shape and scale arguments in the Details section.
That should help you to understand your results.


> Parvez
> --
> View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/sample-mean-variance-and-SD-tp4649190.html
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