[R] HELP! Excel and R give me totally different regression results using the exact same data

frauke fhoss at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Nov 7 17:53:24 CET 2012

Hi David, hi Rui,

thanks for your quick replies. I have replicated David's R results and
confirmed them with Minitab. Though I'm not sure what you are trying to tell
me with the code you wrote, David. Do you mean, I should use a dataframe
rather than a matrix, or use the "data=" part of the lm() function?

Rui seems to be right, too. Excel's regression function doesn't work; I
cannot replicate the Minitab and R results with it. According to the
Microsoft website this is probably because the x- and y-values overlap. I am
truly astonished that such a major bug doesn't at least have a major red
flag to it. 

Thank you! Frauke

View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/HELP-Excel-and-R-give-me-totally-different-regression-results-using-the-exact-same-data-tp4648648p4648723.html
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