[R] Plot in function
R. Michael Weylandt
michael.weylandt at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 19:45:07 CET 2012
On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 4:44 PM, Pauli <paul.kraus85 at web.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a R beginner and I have a question about a litte function I found.
> Here is the code:
> # Gambler's Ruin Problem.
> # seed capital: k
> # rounds: n
> # probability of success: p
> # number of trials: N
> # graphical output (yes/no): draw
> # Wait for new graphic (yes/no): ask
> ruin<- function( N = 1, n = 10, k = 1, p = 1 / 2,
> draw = FALSE, ask = FALSE ){
> if(draw)
> par( ask = ask )
> r <- 0
> for( i in 1:N ){
> x <- k + cumsum (sample( c(-1, 1),replace = TRUE, n,prob = c(1-p, p)))
> if( min(x) <= 0 ){
> r <- r + 1
> if(draw)
> ruin.plot( k, x, col = "red",main = paste(i, "th trial: ruin!" ) )
> }
> else if(draw)
> ruin.plot( k, x, main = paste( i, "th trial: no ruin" ),ylim =
> c( 0, max(x) ) )
> }
> return(r / N)
> }
> Now I want to start it with for example
> "ruin(N=100,n=1000,k=50,draw=TRUE,ask=TRUE)" but i received the message,
> that there is an unused argument: (col = "red",main = paste(i, "th trial:
> ruin!" ) ).
> What is wrong with the code?
It looks like there's a problem in the call to ruin.plot() but since
we don't have the source for that, we can't really help you out.
Can you cite the code you're using / provide it in full if it's
original to you? A fully reproducible example would be awesome:
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