[R] lines with colored segments

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Mon Nov 5 09:57:03 CET 2012

On 11/05/2012 12:29 AM, David Stevens wrote:
> Hello all
> I'm trying to create a plot similar to a plot.default(..., type='b')
> with points plotted connected by lines that leave small gaps between the
> end of the line and the point symbol, BUT, with each line segment's
> color controlled by a category. plot... draws the line color uniformly
> according to the first color in a color sequence, ignoring the
> remainder.  I can use segments() to give the proper colors using the x,y
> data, but those segments don't have the small gaps around the symbols.
> Somewhere, somehow, plot... either only draws the shortened segments, or
> draws the full segment, blanks out the space around the the symbol then
> adds the symbol (or, maybe something more sophisticated). Obviously I'm
> not the first to want to do this. Has anyone addressed this?
Hi David,
Try this:

plot(x,y,main="Random walk plot",xlab="X",ylab="Y",type="n")

This colors a random walk with green if the "step" advances away from 
the start and red if it regresses toward the start. Just pass your 
colors in the "col=" argument.


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