[R] reorder() in the latticeExtra library
smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 3 16:40:19 CET 2012
Try this:
genotype1<-factor(genotype,levels=c("CJ1450 NW 4/25/12","CJ1450 BAL 4/25/12", "CJ1450 NW\n4/27/12",
"CJ1450 BAL 4/27/12", "CJ1721 NW 4/27/12", "CJ1721 BAL\n4/27/12",
"CJ1721 NW 4/29/12", "CJ1721 BAL 4/29/12") )
segplot(genotype1 ~ lower + upper, data = x, draw.bands =
FALSE, centers = est, segments.fun = panel.arrows, ends = "both", angle =
90, length = 0, par.settings = simpleTheme(pch = 19, col = 1), xlab =
expression("nucleotide diversity " %+-% " sd"), panel = function(x, y, z,
...) {
panel.abline(h = z, col = "grey", lty = "dashed")
panel.abline(v = 14.20, col = "grey")
panel.segplot(x, y, z, ...)})
----- Original Message -----
From: JDINIS <jorgemdinis at gmail.com>
To: r-help at r-project.org
Sent: Friday, November 2, 2012 11:04 PM
Subject: [R] reorder() in the latticeExtra library
Hello all, thanks for your time and help. Below are my commands, and it
generates a really nice plot, however I am not happy with the reorder()
function. I would like the order to be the same as they appear in the
genotype variable "genotype <- c("CJ1450 NW 4/25/12","CJ1450 BAL
4/25/12","CJ1450 NW 4/27/12","CJ1450 BAL 4/27/12","CJ1721 NW
4/27/12","CJ1721 BAL 4/27/12","CJ1721 NW 4/29/12","CJ1721 BAL 4/29/12" )"
and not as it is currently coded.
Is there any way to turn off the reorder, or set it up so the values appear
in the order above, thank you again!
(I am open to all suggestions)
genotype <- c("CJ1450 NW 4/25/12","CJ1450 BAL 4/25/12","CJ1450 NW
4/27/12","CJ1450 BAL 4/27/12","CJ1721 NW 4/27/12","CJ1721 BAL
4/27/12","CJ1721 NW 4/29/12","CJ1721 BAL 4/29/12" )
#paste("Animal", as.roman(1:8), sep = "-")
plant.height <- c(0.001173003, 0.001506127, 0.001361596, 0.001922572,
0.034272147, 0.030466017, 0.001654299, 0.001071724)
SE <- c(0.000444123, 0.000290096, 0.000372844, 0.00197687, 0.033945128,
0.035231568, 0.001094518, 0.000423545)
lower <- plant.height - SE; upper <- plant.height + SE
x <- data.frame(group = genotype, lower = lower, est = plant.height, upper =
segplot(reorder(genotype, est) ~ lower + upper, data = x, draw.bands =
FALSE, centers = est, segments.fun = panel.arrows, ends = "both", angle =
90, length = 0, par.settings = simpleTheme(pch = 19, col = 1), xlab =
expression("nucleotide diversity " %+-% " sd"), panel = function(x, y, z,
...) {
panel.abline(h = z, col = "grey", lty = "dashed")
panel.abline(v = 14.20, col = "grey")
panel.segplot(x, y, z, ...)})
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/reorder-in-the-latticeExtra-library-tp4648299.html
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