[R] Loop over several Variables, add on question

bchr bochristoph at web.de
Fri Nov 2 16:56:21 CET 2012

Hey John,

thanks for making me notice that document - I just skipped over it the past
hour and I think I like that very condensed If you want to do this ->it
works like that approach. Besides that I had the impression, though that
it's content - while more strongly condensed - is basically not too
different from what is covered in R for Stata Users by the same author (and
his co-author), which I already have. But I might be wrong, so in case you
should know both books: would you think the R for SPSS/SAS-book will provide
a lot of additional info given that I have the R for Stata  already or will
they more or less overlap?

All the best


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