[R] Changing the base of geom_bar in ggplot

Werner pensterfuzzer at yahoo.de
Fri Nov 30 11:50:14 CET 2012


this is likely very easy to do but I don't find the right terms to search
for the solution. 
I want to show in a bar chart how much different categories deviate from the
average percentage change. 
Thus, in the following example I would like to set the zero line or base or
whatever it is called to the average of the values (=0.82) and the bars
should show the deviation from that, i.e. have the positive length of the
deviation of the value from the average.
I can do that by subtracting the average from each value but I would like to
have the zero line as the average to make it more clear.
How do you change the 'base'-line?

x <- data.frame(val=c(1.5, 3, -1.4, -1, 2), lab=letters[1:5])
ggplot(data=x, aes(x=lab, y=val)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") 

Many thanks for your help!

Best regards,

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