[R] hhmm time format, strptime and %k
Costas Vorlow
costas.vorlow at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 22:02:41 CET 2012
I am having trouble with the conversion specifications as described in
the strptime help page.
> head(dat)
Date Time Open High Low Close Up Down Volume
1 11/19/2012 935 137.89 138.06 137.82 138.05 3202541 3013215 0
2 11/19/2012 940 138.04 138.40 138.02 138.38 2549660 2107595 4657255
3 11/19/2012 945 138.38 138.40 138.18 138.19 1627379 1856318 3483697
4 11/19/2012 950 138.20 138.32 138.20 138.30 1046133 896423 1942556
5 11/19/2012 955 138.30 138.49 138.30 138.41 1287646 961604 2249250
6 11/19/2012 1000 138.41 138.49 138.39 138.43 806043 731641 1537684
As in the example above, my data (column vectors in a dataframe) are
time series swhich have time stamps for hours spanning from 9:35am to
16:00 (column 2).
The hours are formatted as follows:
935 is 9:35, 940 is 9:40 ... hence
1600 is 16:00.
When I convert the dataframe column for "Close" (dat[,6] i.e., sixth
column of the dataframe) to a time series (xts):
SPYhf<-xts(dat[,6], as.POSIXct(paste(dat[,1], dat[,2]), format =
"%m/%d/%Y %H%M"))
I get NAs as indexes for the times where the hours are single digits
(i.e. 9 am). Thus, correct time stamps start at 10:00 and end at
16:00 (i.e., row 6 of dataframe onwards).
<NA> 138.05
<NA> 138.38
<NA> 138.19
<NA> 138.30
<NA> 138.41
2012-11-19 10:00:00 138.43
I tried using the %k specifier which the strptime help-page suggests
that it's suitable when AM hours are described with a single digit
("The 24-hour clock time with single digits preceded by a blank") but
I can not get it to work.
Thanks in advnace for your time and help.
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