[R] zeros in double matrix rather than character matrix

iembry iruckaE at mail2world.com
Wed Nov 28 06:35:15 CET 2012

Hi, how are you?

I have 1000 total columns with 100 rows and I have shown 4 columns of 100
rows below. I want the zeros to be read in as numerical or integer values
rather than a character. Right now I have a 100x0 character matrix rather
than a 100x1000 double matrix. 

What do I need to do to read in a .csv spreadsheet with counting the zeros
as a numerical or integer value?


Irucka Embry

0	0	0	0
0.16387	0.60612	0.87705	0.83798
0.32774	1.2122	1.7541	1.676
0.4916	1.8184	2.6312	2.5139
0.65547	2.4245	3.5082	3.3519
0.81934	3.0306	4.3853	4.1899
0.98321	3.6367	5.2623	5.0279
1.1471	4.2429	6.1394	5.8659
1.3109	4.849	7.0164	6.7038
1.4748	5.4551	7.8935	7.5418
1.6387	6.0612	8.7705	8.3798
1.8026	6.6673	9.6476	9.2178
1.9664	7.2735	10.525	10.056
2.1303	7.8796	11.402	10.894
2.2942	8.4857	12.279	11.732
2.458	9.0918	13.156	12.57
2.6219	9.6979	14.033	13.408
2.7858	10.304	14.91	14.246
2.9496	10.91	15.787	15.084
3.1135	11.516	16.664	15.922
3.2774	12.122	17.541	16.76
3.4412	12.729	18.418	17.598
3.6051	13.335	19.295	18.436
3.769	13.941	20.172	19.274
3.9328	14.547	21.049	20.112
4.0967	15.153	21.926	20.95
4.2606	15.759	22.803	21.788
4.4244	16.365	23.68	22.625
4.5883	16.971	24.557	23.463
4.7522	17.578	25.434	24.301
4.916	18.184	26.312	25.139
5.0799	18.79	27.189	25.977
5.2438	19.396	28.066	26.815
5.4077	20.002	28.943	27.653
5.5715	20.608	29.82	28.491
5.7354	21.214	30.697	29.329
5.8993	21.82	31.574	30.167
6.0631	22.426	32.451	31.005
6.227	23.033	33.328	31.843
6.3909	23.639	34.205	32.681
6.5547	24.245	35.082	33.519
6.7186	24.851	35.959	34.357
6.8825	25.457	36.836	35.195
7.0463	26.063	37.713	36.033
7.2102	26.669	38.59	36.871
7.3741	27.275	39.467	37.709
7.5379	27.882	40.344	38.547
7.7018	28.488	41.221	39.385
7.8657	29.094	42.098	40.223
8.0295	29.7	42.976	41.061
8.1934	30.306	43.853	41.899
8.1115	30.003	43.414	41.48
8.0295	29.7	42.976	41.061
7.9476	29.397	42.537	40.642
7.8657	29.094	42.098	40.223
7.7837	28.791	41.66	39.804
7.7018	28.488	41.221	39.385
7.6199	28.185	40.783	38.966
7.5379	27.882	40.344	38.547
7.456	27.579	39.906	38.128
7.3741	27.275	39.467	37.709
7.2921	26.972	39.029	37.29
7.2102	26.669	38.59	36.871
7.1283	26.366	38.152	36.452
7.0463	26.063	37.713	36.033
6.9644	25.76	37.275	35.614
6.8825	25.457	36.836	35.195
6.8005	25.154	36.398	34.776
6.7186	24.851	35.959	34.357
6.6367	24.548	35.521	33.938
6.5547	24.245	35.082	33.519
6.4728	23.942	34.644	33.1
6.3909	23.639	34.205	32.681
6.3089	23.336	33.766	32.262
6.227	23.033	33.328	31.843
6.1451	22.73	32.889	31.424
6.0631	22.426	32.451	31.005
5.9812	22.123	32.012	30.586
5.8993	21.82	31.574	30.167
5.8173	21.517	31.135	29.748
5.7354	21.214	30.697	29.329
5.6535	20.911	30.258	28.91
5.5715	20.608	29.82	28.491
5.4896	20.305	29.381	28.072
5.4077	20.002	28.943	27.653
5.3257	19.699	28.504	27.234
5.2438	19.396	28.066	26.815
5.1618	19.093	27.627	26.396
5.0799	18.79	27.189	25.977
4.998	18.487	26.75	25.558
4.916	18.184	26.312	25.139
4.8341	17.881	25.873	24.72
4.7522	17.578	25.434	24.301
4.6702	17.274	24.996	23.882
4.5883	16.971	24.557	23.463
4.5064	16.668	24.119	23.044
4.4244	16.365	23.68	22.625
4.3425	16.062	23.242	22.206
4.2606	15.759	22.803	21.788
4.1786	15.456	22.365	21.369
4.0967	15.153	21.926	20.95

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