[R] Predict function in Raster package

megmurr meghanmurrant at trentu.ca
Tue Nov 27 22:33:35 CET 2012


I am having troubles using the 'predict' function with in the Raster
package. I am using   pm<-predict(mm, predictors) where mm is the
mahalanobis distance and the predictors are a stack of 6 raster layers
containing environmental variables.
When I try to run the prediction I get the following warning message:

Warning message: 
In layerNames(x): the layerNames function is obsolete. Use "names" instead.

I have done some research on raster package updates and in the summer they
added the function 'names' to replace 'layerNames'. I am wondering if there
is a bug in the predict function that still relies on the layerNames

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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