[R] Psych package: fa.diagram, how to re-arrange layout so numbers do not over-write each other

Brent Caldwell brent.caldwell at otago.ac.nz
Tue Nov 27 05:08:08 CET 2012

Dear R help
I have conducted a fa() analysis,  and  I want to use fa.diagram to assess the extent to which the 11 latent factors predict the 37 items in a psychological battery.  However, the display on the screen has very large font size for the coefficients of the relationship between the 11 factors and the 37 items, so the numbers overlap and are therefore illegible.  When I output this to a pdf the problem is exacerbated even further (see attachments).  I tried to use cex=0.8 and cex=0.4 in the pdf argument but it made no difference - what can I do?
The code I used is:
# Start PDF device driver to save output to fa_diagram.pdf
pdf(file="I:\\ZAPi\\Tables-of-R-output\\fa_diagram.pdf", height=10, width=5)
	#box() # Create box around plot
	dev.off() # Turn off device driver (to flush output to PDF)

pdf(file="I:\\ZAPi\\Tables-of-R-output\\fa_diagram_cex.pdf", height=8, width=5)
	#box() # Create box around plot
	dev.off() # Turn off device driver (to flush output to PDF)
Thank you so much for your time
Yours sincerely
Brent Caldwell

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Name: fa_diagram_cex.pdf
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Name: fa_diagram.pdf
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Desc: fa_diagram.pdf
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