[R] reclassification function
joel.eriksson.2 at gu.se
Mon Nov 26 17:25:58 CET 2012
Hi everyone,
I have tried to produce a table with reclassification (continuous NRI, p
value) using the reclassification() function in the PredictABEL package. My
problem is that I can only get the results printed on the screen, rather
than stored in an object (as when doing a regular regression), and thus need
to do a lot of manual copy-paste. Also, it seems that I end up with "0" when
the p-value is more significant than 10^-6.
copied from screen: NRI(Continuous) [95% CI]: 0.3487 [ 0.2701 - 0.4274 ] ;
p-value: 0
Any piece of advise would be highly appreciated.
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