[R] Multiple Range Means Test

Amanda Jones akjones82 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 06:41:35 CET 2012


My boss wants me to do a Duncan's test, which is under the agricolae
package. Unfortunately I am not versed enough in R to run my data. I
have 7 subspecies of deer mouse for which I have 23 measurements which
are my variables of interest. I have run an ANOVA for each of the set
of subspecies and variables, my data look like this:

subspecies  WMF
1      rowleyi 2.50
2      rowleyi 2.30
3      rowleyi 2.35
49      beatae 2.20
50      beatae 2.35
51      beatae 2.45
91     levipes 2.45
92     levipes 2.35
93     levipes 2.50
122 carletoniA 2.20
123 carletoniA 2.10
124 carletoniA 2.30
135 carletoniB 2.60
136 carletoniB 2.40
137 carletoniB 2.60
145  schmidlyi 2.50
146  schmidlyi 2.70
147  schmidlyi 2.70
161    simulus 2.40
162    simulus 2.20
163    simulus 2.30

This is condensed. My data is called dat. The help for duncan.test
shows the argument like this:   duncan.test(y, trt, DFerror, MSerror,
alpha = 0.05, group=TRUE, main = NULL)

When I try to run it as duncan.test(aov, dat, 6, .297, alpha=.05,
group=TRUE, main=NULL) it gives me an error message that I have
differing rows, 0 and 163. 163 is the correct number, where is it
getting the 0 from?

Thank you,
Amanda Jones

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