[R] Spatstat: Mark correlation function

AMFTom the.quiet.room at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 18:36:33 CET 2012

I normally use the following code to create a figure displaying the mark
correlation function for the point pattern process "A":


I have now started to use the following code to perform 1000 Monte Carlo
simulations of Complete Spatial Randomness (CSR).  It is a Monte Carlo test
based on envelopes of the Mark correlation function obtained from simulated
point patterns, normally used for Ripley's K:

ME<-envelope(A, markcorr, nsim = 1000)

And I produce the figure below.

My question is: Is this a justified use of nsim if the envelope is based on
simulations of CSR? Or should I display the Mark correlation function
without the envelopes?




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