[R] Summary statistics for matrix columns

frespider frespider at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 23 02:14:18 CET 2012


is there a way I can calculate a summary statistics for a columns matrix
 let say we have this matrix 
x <- matrix(sample(1:8000),nrow=100)
colnames(x)<- paste("Col",1:ncol(x),sep="")

if I used summary 

i get the output for each column but I need the output to be in matrix with
rownames  and all the columns beside it 

this how I want it 

                Col76     Col77
 Min.      :    7            39  
 1st Qu. :    1846   1630   
 Median :   3631   3376   
 Mean    :   3804   3617 
Sd          :   
 3rd Qu.:    5772   5544  
IQR        :
 Max.   :    7952    7779  

Is there an easy way?


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