[R] McNemar's Test Question

calicyc calicyc at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 00:24:47 CET 2012

Hi all,
I'm wondering if there's a way that I can perform McNemar's test for a small
dataset easier. 
I know this may be different from the usual way, but I'm hoping to throw it
out there for help. 

For now, my orginnal dataset looks something like this...

Chemical shifts  Pre_yes   Pre_no   Post_yes   Post_no
1                                 20            23          30             
2                                 22            21          11             
3                                 30            13           40            

so pre_yes literally means found something in pre samples. 
I have 43 samples in each chemical shift (1,2,3,4.........40)

I want to obtain the McNemar's test result for each chemical shift, is there
a easier way to do that? 
I feel like the following method that I tried is way too redundant. 
Basically I have to perform this for chemical shift 1, and repeat for the
rest of the 39 chemical shifts. 

Subject          Pre      Post
1                       1           0  
2                       0           1
3                       1           0

I would like to use the first one if it's possible, but I can't seem to find
similar examples that I can follow. 

Please help? 

Desperate rookie. 


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