[R] Help vectorizing data generation for IRT graded response model
jared.harpole at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 17:40:51 CET 2012
I have code that will generate data for a 5 category IRT graded response
model. However, the code could be improved through vectorizing. Here is
the code below:
N <- 100 #Number of people taking test
n <- 10 #Number of items
nCat <- 5 #number of categories
###Generate Item parameters for 10 items
a.1 <- rlnorm(n, .25, .5)
b.1 <- matrix(0, n, (nCat - 1))
theta <- rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd =1)
###Generate threhold parameters for b.1 GRM with 10 items there are 4
thresholds for 5 categories
###Using this method is for b dist as N(0,1) since b.1[,1] mean is -.6
###and b.1[,2] to b.1[,4] are all .2
b.1[, 1] <- rnorm(n, -.6, 1)
for(j in 1:n) {
b.1[j, 2] <- b.1[j,1] + runif(1, .5, .9)
b.1[j, 3] <- b.1[j,2] + runif(1, .5, .9)
b.1[j, 4] <- b.1[j,3] + runif(1, .5, .9)
###This code simulates participants taking a test and generates the 5
category item responses
p <- array(0,c(N,n,nCat))
pstar <- array(1,c(N,n,nCat))
u <- matrix(0,N,n)
for (i in 1:N) {
for (j in 1:n) {
#Draw a random number to determine categories
r <- runif(1, 0, 1)
for (k in 2:nCat) {
pstar[i, j, k] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-a.1[j] * (theta[i] - b.1[j,
p[i,j,(k-1)] <- pstar[i, j, (k-1)] - pstar[i, j, k]
p[i, j, nCat] <- pstar[i, j, 5] #probability of last category or
higher is that category
if (r <= p[i, j, 1]) {
u[i,j] <- 1
} else
if (r <= p[i,j,1] + p[i,j,2]) {
u[i,j] <- 2
} else
if (r <= p[i,j,1] + p[i,j,2] + p[i,j,3]) {
u[i,j] <- 3
} else
if (r <= p[i,j,1] + p[i,j,2] + p[i,j,3] + p[i,j,4])
u[i,j] <-4
} else
if (r <= 1) {
u[i,j] <-5
Obviously, that is really long and hairy. I am wondering what would be the
best way to write this more compactly. In conjunction with a colleague, I
have a solution for a binary IRT model with response categories 0,1.
Here is that code:
N <- 100
n <- 10
a.1 <- rlnorm(n, .25, .5)
b.1 <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
theta <- rnorm(N, 0, 1)
###Function to generate 2PL data
dichEq <- function(a.1, b.1, theta) {
1/(1 + exp(-a.1 * (theta -b.1)))
probVal <- mapply(FUN = function(x,y) dichEq(x,y,theta), a.1, b.1)
u <- apply(probVal, 2, function(x) rbinom(length(x), 1, x))
Can someone provide some guidance on how to generalize this to the ordered
category case?
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